part // 1

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Unfortunate. That's a word that basically describes my life. I take in a deep breath and take in the scent of my house for the last time before I roll my suitcase down the steps of our porch. As I walk towards the cab in front of my view I take one last look back and close my eyes sighing.

Most people would say no ones life is perfect. But mine was. I had everything I could ask for. A family that loved me, a hamster as a pet that I loved very much, and even though I didn't have many friends at school I was happy with the four best friends I could ask for. Yeah my life wasn't the best. But it was perfect compared to most so I took what I had and was grateful.

But now. Now I don't even want the life I have.

Three weeks ago, my hamster ed, died of cancer. One day later as my parents were supposed to return after a trip to Europe, something tragic happened that would changed my life forever.

2 days after I awaited them to come home, for they were supposed to be home two days ago I received a call that would turn my life around.

"Daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Evans, I'm sorry to say that there was an issue with you're parents plane. It crashed. I'm sorry to announce that you're parents are dead."

Now, as I make my way out of the cab, about to get on the killer of my parents, I await to go on a foreign country and state, and to live with people I do not even know the names of, I fear, I fear of much, but I fear of trust. Trust in those I do not know. And trust in those I will come to know.

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