part // 14

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"you two have fun!" jennifer says.

"this is weird as fuck" jack johnson adds in.

"language! jack!" jennifer scolds johnson.

practically everyones freaking out about me and jack going on a date but im quite excited. i can tell he is too.
"alright thats it were leaving bye have nice lives" i say grabbing jacks hand and pulling him out the door with me.

he chuckles and connects our arms instead of hands. he opens the passanger door for me and i thank him and he runs around the other side and pulls out.

"so where are we going?" i ask.

"were gonna have a picnic. its on the top of the little diner. i know you like paris themed stuff so i decorated it" he nervously says glancing at me to see my reaction. i decided to mess with him.

"really? thats it? i finally say yes to a date and thats it?" i huff.

"oh my gosh. um i can like take you to a-" he starts rambling and i meantally awh at the effort hes put into this.

"im messing with you jack. that sounds perfect." i smile placing my hand on top his.

"hate you" he laughs and laces our fingers together, making my heart skip a beat.

"you know i dont like when guys take me on surprise dates? sammy had taken me on one so you've got a big lead so far" i say immediatly regretting that i brought up sammy because he removes his hand from mine and places it on the steering wheel.

"oh my god jack i just messed this whole thing up. i dont like sammy. i hope you know that. he means nothing to me." i say.

"you coming out of his car the other day says otherwise!" he yells back.

"i came out wanting to cry! remember that jack?" i yell back.

"sorry, rose. its just i dont usually date o-or take girls on dates" he stutters.

"so ive heard." i mumble.

i hear him sigh then say,
"look i dont know exactly what you've heard, but some of it is probably true. but i just want you to know ive done things i wish i could take back. things ill regret forever. but i really like you, rose. dont let what you hear i do to other girls, make you think i wouldnt completly change to be with you." he says which makes me literally cringe.
it was actually so sweet though. but kind of not. if that makes sense? he just fessed up to using girls, being a manwhore and an asshole and everything. but i couldnt get his words out of my head. "dont think i wouldnt completly change to be with you."

we arrived at the diner and he instructed me to climb some stairs and go all the way to the top and wait for him there.

i did as he asked and went up there to find a bunch of lights hung up and candles lit. he must have had to come not long ago to set this up before he picked me up. five minutes later he came up carrying two blankets, a basket, a few pillows, a dvd player and a movie in hand i can make out from miles. he knew it was my favorite too. pitch perfect.
the pitch wasnt the only thing perfect because this had to have been the best date i have and ever would go on. ever.

wow. i think i like jack gilinsky.

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