part // 5

213 8 5

Jack g's pov:

I walked in late again to first period Mrs. Days class.

"Jack. Late again."

I nod and walk to my seat.
But something catches my eye. A beautiful girl in the corner. I've never seen her here. She must be new. I see Sammy whisper something to her and that's when I realize I'm staring. I look away but I can still see her from the corner of my eye.

"Hey jack what's up man" Matthew says.
"Nothing much dude" I reply.

"Wanna go to a party later? It's at Sammy's. 7 pm"

"I'll be there" I tell him laughing.
In the corner of my eye I see Sammy handing her a piece of paper. His number. I get what I want.

And right now. It's her.

Rose's POV:

He looks like a complete ass. Sammy was right. He's just a really attractive ass but I still want nothing to do with him.
"Hey rose I'm having a party at my house later, if you want to come ? " Sammy tells me.
"sure I'll be there" I replied.
"Great here's my number I'll pick you up if you want?"
"That'd be great." I smile taking the paper. The only reason why I'm really doing this, is because I don't want to be home.
"Dingggg" the bell rings and I stand up as quick as I can and begin walking outside.

I take out a piece of paper that has my locker number and code on it. I walk around the many lockers not having any idea where it's at.

"Need help?" I hear a voice.

I turn around and see the jack in my first period. I roll my eyes and reply.
I begin to walk faster but i hear footsteps and soon he's right beside me.

"I'm Jack. Jack Gilinsky" He introduces.

"And I don't care" I say smiling then walk up to a locker.

This is my locker. Finally.

"You know you don't even know me and you're talking shit" he says.

"Look. I know you're type. You're an ass and I want nothing to do with you or anyone in this shithole." I say before opening my locker and shoving the books my first period teacher gave me.

To my surprise jack was gone. Actually no I wasn't surprised. He thought since I was the new girl I would be an easy target. Guess what. I'm not.

The rest of the day was pretty much shit. I had Sammy for 3 of my classes, which I'm actually glad for. He's pretty cool. And I had that jack ass in 4 of my classes. Which sucked. I had my cousin, the other jack in 2 of my classes. He tried to ask why I walked off in the morning or what happened but I just mostly ignored him.

I had johnson for last period sadly I wanted to just walk home. Now I know that's not happening.

As last period ended I walked out waiting for johnson.

As he came out with of course, Sammy, jack, and two other guys I didn't know the names of i rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Hey babe" jack says putting an arm around me.

"Get the fuck away from me you prick" I say pushing him away.

"Hey rose!" I hear and see it's Sammy approaching me.

"Hey sam" I say smiling.
I see jack standing behind him glaring as if he's about to murder sam.

"Are you still coming over later?" He asks.

"Of course I am. You still can pick me up right?" I ask.

"Of course " he replied smirking.

I see johnson talking to his friends and I let out a deep breath.

"Hey Sammy do you think you can give me a ride home? "

"Yeah" he said smiling.

"Let's go" he added.

I see Gilinsky staring as I walk away with sam.

"Jack really takes an interest in you" Sammy tells me as we drive to my new home.

"He's such an ass it's disgusting" I say.

He laughs at my words then says "here we are" I look to see the prison ( sarcasm intended ) and smile slightly.

"Thanks for the ride" I say reaching over and hugging him.
He smells of mint but it smells so good.

"Anytime princess" he says smiling.
I get out and enter the house. I which now have a key to. It's completely empty.

I sigh and walk up to my room.

I guess I have a party to prepare for.

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