part // 16

116 2 13

today madison insissted we go shopping for outfits to homecoming, although i wssnt going since no one had asked me.

i stood up all night texting jack.
hes like a drug, i cant seem to thinking about him. i cant stop longing to see him every single day. i know it sounds like really clingy shit and also weird since 8 weeks ago we hated eachothers guts. well i hated his at least. but now, everythings different. i miss him all the time instead and hes literally the only person who can make me smile after my parents passed. he makes me really happy.

i walk down the stairs waiting for maddy to arrive and see johnson eating breakfast on the kitchen table.

"you know its really fucking weird that you and my best friend are together." he says.

"were not together. we've been on a couple of dates thats all." i shrug.

"mhhmm tell jack that. he never stops talking about you. it makes me quite uncomfortable." he tells me and i laugh.

i hear a horn honk out front.
"thats me" i tell johnson.

"is it jack?" he groans.

"nope. madison." i say and lets out his breath.
"oh good. tell her i said hi" he tells me and i agree as i get my things and walk out.

"hey! madisonnnnnnn i missed you so much" i say hugging her.

"awh i missed you too but i fucking hate you" she scoffs.

"what why?" i ask.

"because your only with the hottest manwhore ever! its like one of those cliche stories how the girl changes the bad boy." she sqeels in excitment.

"first of all, im NOT with him"

"pssh tell him that" she says almost the same as what johnson said.

"second of all, your onky with MATTHEW ESPINOSA like the hottest guy ever." i say.
"stay in your lane bitch" she tests and we both laugh.

"your right lets face it," i started as we finally start pulling out the driveway.
"jacks soooo much hotter than matthew." i say smirking.
"speak for yourself!" she says in a pssh tone.

her phone keeps on going off so she just picks it up and i hear her talking to matthew. i think they were fighting. i look at her in hope and when i turn my eyes to the road i see a turn. but she wasnt turning.

"OH MY GOD MADISON WATCH OUT" I screamed in agony as she hit the bridges of the road and the car flipped over three times finally stopping as my vision slowly blurred and my eyes shut.

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