part // 15

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we ended up falling asleep in his range rover, nothing happened though. we didnt even kiss.

i wake up feeling bright sun on me and i sqeeze my stomach as im not sure but it hurts.

i glance at jack and watch his chest fall and rise. im not gonna lie. hes the most gorgeous guy ive ever laid eyes on.

i smile then suddly my smile is wiped away as i open the car door and run to the side and begin throughing up.

soon i feel jacks presence as he holds up my hair and hands me a towel from our picnic. i feel awful, not only about me throughing up but him seeing me in this state and i feel bad using the towel as i wipe my face.
i turn back around as jack releases my hair.
i scrunch my nose in disgust.
"im so sorry" i say and i know hes a guinuine person because he embraces me in a hug after all that just occured.

"no im sorry. its probably my fault. from what you ate yesturday." he frowns pulling me tighter.

"no jack the food was amazing. everything was. i dont know whats wrong with me. im probably coming down with something. im gonna make you sick." i say pushing on his chest.

"ill take the chance" he flashes me a smile as he wraps his arms around me once again.
i take in his scent and i realize everything about him is literally perfect.

now i know why all the girls are weak in the knees for jack gilinsky.

im getting pretty crazy about him the more time i spend with him.

"how'd you like the date?" he asked on our way back home.

"honestly?" i ask and he nods sucking in a breathe.

"it was the best date ive ever been on." i smile looking over at as he smiles wide as well.

"well guess on our next one im gonna have to top it" he chuckles.

"guess so"

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