Part 2

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Aaliyah was born in Birmingham,England  to two African parents. Her dad is Moroccan and her mum is Rwandese. She has a twin brother named Ahmed and they are both 16 turning 17. Her best friend is Isabella and they have been in each other's lives since they were 3, so it's safe to say they know each other the most. She is funny,outgoing,very understanding, and shy but once she gets comfortable around you she will be herself.

Aaliyah's POV:

Today Ahmed has a match with The Birmingham city u16's. To be honest I'm not really into football and I don't get the concept of it 😂 I find it kinda boring, like who watches 3 hours of 22 people trying to shoot a ball in a net🤨 The only thing I know about it is that you can't touch the ball with your hand or whatever. I usually don't go to his matches because of that but today my mum is forcing me to even though I don't want to I'm going to the match for my twin brother. I am going to ask mum if Bella can come because God knows how bored I'll be without her presence.

Aaliyah:Ma! Can I invite Bella to Ahmed's match?
Mum:Yes but next time speak to me in Kinyarwanda.
My mum hates it when we speak to her in English because according to her "we will lose our Kinyarwanda abilities" which I get but I speak three languages and it's hard remembering which one to speak to her in because she also speaks English, Kinyarwanda and Arabic so she'll still understand me in any language 🙄
Aaliyah :Yes ma'am.
Mum: Now go get ready, we leave in 15 minutes.
Aaliyah : Okay I'll be right back.
I had already taken a shower so I just went upstairs and got ready. I wore a Birmingham city shirt, some black running shorts from lululemon and some Birkenstocks. My hair was braided in two French braids.

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When I checked the time I had 6 minutes left so I just texted Bella

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When I checked the time I had 6 minutes left so I just texted Bella.

Aaliyah:hey,sorry I know this is so last minute but I was wondering if you wanted to come with us at Ahmed's match?

Bella🤍:I'm really bored rn so why not. Besides Ahmed is my brother so I'd be happy to be there.

Aaliyah:Perfect! We leave in 3 minutes so I'll text you when we are there.

Bella🤍:Okay I'll get ready and I'll meet you guys outside.
Seen today at 13:35

Bella was an only child so Ahmed and I were pretty much her siblings. My whole family enjoyed her company and she was always over at our house because her parents are always travelling. So you can understand how much she appreciates our family and that she's always here to support us, like we are with her activities. My thoughts were interrupted by my mum yelling at me to go downstairs, I quickly took my phone,some money and a hoodie in case it got chilly.

We had finally arrived at the stadium and i checked my phone and it said 14:15(2:15pm) kick-off was in 10 minutes so Bella and i decided to get some snacks while the boys were on the field warming up. Once we got to the snack section Bella decided to get Sour patch kids,Doritos and a coke to go with it. I just took a small water bottle and I was good to go.

Bella:Lia aren't you going to get something else?

Aaliyah:Yeah I'm okay

Bella:You sure? Sour patches are literally your favourites.

Aaliyah: yeah I'm good,I just don't feel like eating rn.

Bella :Okay, but tell me if you do want some of mine.

Just as I was about to respond to her we were interrupted by two boys who looked like they were around our age and one of them bumping into me.

Hey guys!I'm so sorry if this isn't what you guys were expecting or if it was boring, this is my first book so please don't judge me that much😭

What do you think of the first chapter? Plz don't forget to Vote and comment.
Have a nice day/night/morning🤍

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