Part 29

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Semicolon ; "A semicolon is used when an author could've chosen to end their sentence, but chose not to. The author is you, and the sentence is your life."

Author's POV:

Lia is trying to stay conscious but she's losing consciousness as the seconds go by, she struggles to scream for help but the only thing she's capable of saying is "I'm sorry" before everything turns black and she passes out. It isn't long before Bella walks into the house but she doesn't find Lia downstairs in the living room so she goes upstairs to her bedroom hoping she was there. When she gets upstairs she runs to the door that is wide open showing her best friend laying on the floor unconscious. As the girl is trying to wake her best friend up she's in a lot of tears, she starts screaming for help hoping someone can hear her. Jobe who just let himself in the family home because after 12 years of friendship with Ahmed, this was his second home and Ahmed felt the same way towards the Bellingham family home. He hears someone screaming for help upstairs and runs as fast as he can, when he reaches upstairs and sees Bella holding Lia's unconscious body while crying he hurries to her. As soon as Bella realizes he's there she pulls him into a hug, he assures her that Lia will be okay and comforts her while calling an ambulance. Once they got to the hospital, Lia is rushed to the ER because of the critical condition she's in. Bella and Jobe have to be the ones to tell everyone else the bad news, both of them are still very shocked at what just happened and are still trying to understand it themselves but they can't.

Jude's POV:

I just finished a post match interview and as I'm walking towards Mum in the stadium, I get a phone call from Jobe who sounds very fragile and by his tone I can tell somethings wrong

Jude: is something wrong? you don't sound okay

Jobe: yes, it's Lia

Jude: what happened? You're scaring me

he took a deep breath before telling me what has happened

Jobe: she...overdosed

My whole world just fell apart after that sentence. Everything suddenly turned into a blur and it was moving in fast motion. The only thing that I was able to say in that moment was "oh my God" because I just didn't want to believe that it was happening, I tried to wake myself up thinking it was just a nightmare because this was one of my biggest fears and it couldn't be happening. But sadly it was true. I told Jobe I'd be on my way and I talked to the manager about a family emergency so I was excused from training and my teammates were already boarding the plane back to Dortmund while Mum and I were driving to Birmingham. Mum tried to comfort me and tell me that everything would be okay, but it wasn't helping and I was still very scared about what would happen to Lia.


When we got to the hospital Lia's parents and Ahmed still hadn't arrived, there was only two people allowed in the emergency room so Jobe decided to come back to the waiting room so that Bella and I could be with Lia. Before I went into the ER Jobe handed me a note they found in Lia's room, and it read:

"I'm sorry if this hurts you, but you will soon see the world is better without me in it. I love you all so much"


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