Part 26

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Aaliyah's POV:

It's been a month and a half since I started school and I fucking hate it, the work is so draining and the bullying online has gotten much worse. I am so alone right now it hurts, mum and dad have been going to Liverpool a lot to watch Ahmed's matches and I haven't been able to to go often because of school. Ever since we started school Bella became more distant, she made new friends and I'm honestly so happy for her but I just wish she'd remember I existed and stop making me feel left out. I know she probably doesn't realize she's doing it but, after I talked to her about it I was expecting her to stop making me feel left out but nothing really changed. It sucks watching someone loose interest in you. They stop texting you so much, caring, asking how your day was and how you are doing. You slowly watch them walk out of your life and you can't do anything about it and it sucks. I have have been rude to everyone these past few days and I  hate the fact it's gotten to this point, my pain is gradually turning into anger and I have taken it out on myself and the people around me. The death threats have gotten so bad they are making my mental health much worse, I didn't go to school on Thursday and yesterday because I can't get myself to do anything right now. I have been sleeping a lot too, I actually just woke up after going to bed at 2am and it's now 7pm. I have my phone turned off because the messages were getting too overwhelming and I just wanted to take a break from everything, I opened my phone to find a lot of notifications but one that caught my attention was not a missed call from Jude 5 minutes ago. I don't feel like talking to anyone right now because I don't have the energy to talk, but it's not fair to Jude if I just ignore him without an explanation. I force myself to get up and take a shower, brush my teeth and get changed in sweats and a black tank top. After I finish getting ready I FaceTime Jude

Jude's POV:

Lia has been very distant lately and when we talk she avoids eye contact with me, I know she's not okay and I'm very worried about her and I wish there was something I could do to take her pain away, but I can't do anything other than to listen to her and be there for her.  I am in the kitchen making a snack for myself when my phone starts ringing, I take it out of my pocket to see Lia face timing me. I answered it very happy to see her

Jude: hey

Lia: hey, sorry I didn't respond earlier I was sleeping and I just got out of the shower

Jude: oh no it's fine, I was also really busy with training

Lia: are you excited for the match against City next week?

Jude: yeah, they are a good team so it's always fun to play against them

Lia: I'll be watching it

She said before giving me a weak smile and looking away with a sad look in her eyes

Jude: love, you okay?

Lia: Yeah, just really tired

I could tell something was bothering her, but I could also tell that she didn't want to talk about it. So I just changed the subject to hopefully distract her

Jude: how was your day?

Lia: I didn't really do anything other than sleep all day, and the only time I left my room was when I took a shower and that was 30 minutes ago

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