Part 6

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Jude's POV:
Last night was honestly amazing, I got to know Lia a little bit better and it was really good to see her smile. I'm going to text her good morning.

11:00 am
Jude:good morning☺️
          Lia:good morning, how are you?

Jude:I'm okay, you?

                      Lia☺️:I'm okay ig🙂

Jude:you sure?

                 Lia☺️:Yeah, I'm just tired that's all😂

Jude:But didn't you just wake up🤨

Lia☺️:I know but I'm always tired😐

Lia☺️:you are bullying me🥲

Jude:Am not

Lia☺️:Anyways I have to go talk later.

Jude:Take care
seen today at 11:50pm

Aaliyah's POV:

Everything rn is just a blur, my birthday is the 26th so in 3 days. Ahmed and I turn 17 and if I'm being honest with you I don't really even want to do anything for my birthday, I'm not even excited for it. It's just everything lately feels like a task for example waking up, and pretending to be okay when I'm not is just honestly mentally and physically draining. Sleep is my only escape to everything, it might be temporary but it's the closest thing to death for me. No one really knows about these feelings and thoughts, because I'm very happy around people and it's frustrating how I can't just tell someone I'm struggling even my twin brother because asking for help makes me feel weak, I don't know why but I do. These feelings of wanting to d^e started right after we turned 16 and ever since then I've been hating myself a lot more, I starve myself,c^t myself and when I do eat I make myself throw up. It's honestly sad how no one has noticed all of this, because I've been preferring to wear hoodies when it's really hot,i haven't been eating and I have been sleeping more. I don't deserve happiness or anything to be honest, I feel like I deserve every bad thing that has happened to me but deep down I know I don't but I Still can't help but feel like that🙂

Instagram:judebellingham wants to follow you

I honestly jumped from my bed when I saw he requested to follow me because I just couldn't believe this was happening. I accepted his follow request and followed him back. I then opened my computer to FaceTime Bella.


Bella: hey are you?

Lia:I'm okay,you?

Bella: I'm okay I guess...listen there's something I need to tell you

Lia:Okay...what is it?

Bella:so I won't be able to make it for your birthday,but I will come the 27th. I'm so sorry but the family wanted us to stay a bit longer.

Lia:No it's okay there's no need to be sorry, I'm not doing much on my birthday this year anyways but I think Ahmed is having a pizza/video game sleepover with his friends

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