Part 22

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liahakimi11 27m

liahakimi11 27m

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Aaliyah's POV:

All I wear is baggy clothes or long sleeve shirts, because I don't want anyone seeing my scars and asking me about them or judging me. I don't have a long sleeve swimsuit so when we went swimming I wore my normal swimsuit, I actually wasn't in the water for that long so when I got out I changed into a hoodie and shorts and just went on my phone and relaxed while the boys were playing games in the water. Jude started swimming to where I was sitting

Lia: hey

Jude: i thought you liked being in the water, why'd you get out

Lia: the water was too cold for me

Jude: it's very hot right now, and the water is actually the perfect temperature

He was right but I wasn't going to let him know the real reason why I left the water, I didn't want him to be worried about me and if he knew I was still hurting myself he would get really worried.

Lia: babe you and I both know that I'm always cold no matter what

Jude: yeah true

Lia: i think Jobe's waiting for you to come back, so maybe we can talk later

Jude: you sure

Lia: yeah I'm fine, don't worry about me

When Jude went back to Jobe I ran to our room because I felt like crying and letting out the pain, so I when I got to our room I just had a full on meltdown. I started hurting myself and because I just wanted to feel something but I couldn't, I felt empty inside and right now I just wanted to cry in someone's arms until I can't cry anymore but I don't to make anyone worried about me. Sleeping used to work. now everything follows me into my dreams, there's no escape anymore. I just want a break from all the thoughts and nightmares, but the voices are so loud there's no way I can ignore them anymore. I hate myself with everything in me, every time I look in the mirror I hate the person I see and how she turned out. I have a bottle of pills in front of me and I'm ready to end everything, my soul is ready to go. I already finished my letters and I now have all the pills in my hand ready to swallow all of them when a familiar voice bring me back to my senses

Jude: Lia please don't

He runs over to me and takes the pills away from my hand, I look at him as he's doing throwing them away and I see the saddest Face I'd ever seen in my life. He had tears in his eyes and that just made me cry more, I didn't really know what to say and all I did was cry harder. Jude sat next to me and put his arms around me, when he started talking his voice was very shaky and that just broke my heart

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