Part 10

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Jude's POV:

It's been a month since our kiss and every time I think about it I get butterflies. I left back to Germany 3 days after New Year's because we had a match on January 8th. I've been thinking about asking Lia to be my girlfriend and since Valentine's Day is in 4 days I'm going to ask her then. But with her being in Birmingham and me being in Dortmund I can't ask her directly so I'm going to need Bella's help, so I dm'ed her on Instagram.

Bella Cooper
Jude:Hey, so I'm planning to ask Lia to be my girlfriend on Valentine's Day and I was wondering if you were willing to help?

Bella: hey, oh my gosh I'm so excited for this. What do you have in mind?

Jude: I'm thinking of having flowers and her favourite kind of candy delivered to her house and it'll also come with a card asking her to be my girlfriend

Bella: I love that idea!

Jude: I was hoping you would because I wanted to know her favourite flowers and her favourite candy

Bella: well her favourite kind of flowers are rosettes and she likes sour patches.

Jude: thank you☺️

Bella: you are welcome, good luck :)
seen 10 minutes ago

With the information I had, I ordered the flowers and sour patches for the 14th. We had a match on the 13th which meant the 14th was a rest day, so I would be able to talk to her that day.

                      Aaliyah's POV:
Right now I'm in math class, my math teacher is a big football fan so all of his questions are always football related and it's fucking annoying because I don't know shit about football other than the basics and I probably don't even know all of them. He's cool and stuff but he gives too much homework, I mean all my teachers do and but he gives the most homework and I'm tired. My thoughts keep getting worse as the days go one and it's freaking frustrating because I want to talk to someone about my feelings but I feel like I'm burdening them with all my problems and choose to keep them to myself but I'm also burdening myself with all of these overwhelming thoughts and feelings. I'm literally hanging on by a thread and I am really trying my hardest to stay alive but no one seems to acknowledge that.

4 days later
Today is Valentine's Day and it's on a Monday which fucking sucks because I have to see all of the annoying couples making out and basically shoving their tongues in each other's mouths. It's actually embarrassing for them and I don't how they don't realize it's disgusting too. Anyways, I can't wait for English class because it's my last class today but first I have to get through the first one and it's French😩

It is currently 3pm and school just ended and I met up with Bella because she's driving us home, I notice that she can't stop smiling so I ask her why she is smiling uncontrollably.

Lia: why are you looking at me like that?

Bella: like what?
She asked as she fastened her seat belt

Lia: like you know something I don't 🤨

Bella: nothing, I'm just really happy today that's all


Bella lived 1 house over ours and her parents travelled a lot so most of the time she stayed at our house and my parents didn't mind. Like they literally put a King sized bed in my room because she stays here a lot and they felt bad over the fact she had to sleep on a mattress, they even told her she could bring some of her clothes over for when she decided to stay over. Basically they enjoy having her over and have done everything to make her feel comfortable. When I opened my phone a message instantly caught my eye.

Jude☺️: call me when you get home from school

So I decided to call him

Lia: hey

Jude: hey, how are you?

Lia: I'm okay, you?

Jude: I'm good, are you home yet?

Lia: no but we are almost there

Jude: okay, when you are in your driveway can you switch to FaceTime and give the phone to Bella? I have a surprise for you

Lia: sure? We're actually about to pull in our driveway so yeah

Jude: perfect

I was confused on why he told me to FaceTime him when we got to the driveway and to give the phone to Bella but I did as he said because he said he had a surprise for me. After I gave Bella the phone, I noticed something on the porch so I went to what it was and Bella was following me with the camera and it felt like I was in a reality tv show. As I got closer I saw flowers and and a gift bag. I looked at the screen to see Jude smiling and I looked at Bella who looked happy too and they were both waiting for me to open the gift.

Bella: open it!

Lia: okay

I put the flowers on the chair that was on the front porch and then when I opened the bag I saw sour patches and an envelope. I looked at Bella who was still smiling and looked really excited so I started opening the envelope and saw a card that had "Happy Valentine's Day" written on it. I started reading the card and oh my gosh my heart did summersaults.  The card said:

Dear Lia Happy Valentine's Day,  from the day I met you I knew you were special and as we've gotten to know each other these past 2 months you keep proving that you are special.
Which is why I am asking you to be my girlfriend?

Oh my goodness, this is so cute. Less than an hour ago I was complaining about couples being all lovey-dovey but this is honestly so fucking cute and I don't care what anyone has to say.

Jude: so what do you say?

Lia: yes, I'd love to be your girlfriend

Bella was so happy she literally screamed, she is literally my number one supporter in everything I do and I literally couldn't have asked for a better best friend.

Bella: oh my gosh Lia, you have a boyfriend now! I'm so happy for you guys, Jude don't hurt her because if you do I will bury you 6 feet underground

Jude: don't worry I won't and you have my word.

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter and if you have any suggestions for future chapters don't hesitate to let me know.

Merry Christmas and stay safe❤️


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