Part 4

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A/N:As you guys know her mom is Rwandese and her dad is Moroccan so basically there's going to be some Arabic and some Kinyarwanda dialogues, so I don't speak Arabic so I'll be using google translate for the Arabic parts but I'll put what it means in parentheses and I'll do the same for Kinyarwanda. 

Aaliyah's POV:

The match ended with Birmingham winning 2:0, the goals were from Ahmed and Jobe. The first half wasn't going well for the boys but the second half they played great(well that's what I heard my dad saying) I expected the match to be boring but it surprisingly wasn't, maybe it's because I was watching my twin brother pursue his dreams?, the fact Bella was here with me? Or maybe because I met J-why am I thinking about him?!? It's not like he's attractive or anything...but I just can't stop thinking about our interaction. I can't wait to get home and forget about all of this and go on with my life. Bella was still looking at me weirdly after she found me talking to Jude.

Bella:So what's the tea sis, spill👀

Lia:There's no tea to spill

Bella:What do you mean?!? The way you were looking at him says otherwise

Lia:looking at him in what way?

Bella:Looking at him like you were in LoVe

Lia: I just met him tho😩 there's no way I'm in love with him, besides he's JUDE FREAKING BELLINGHAM so his type is definitely models cause ain't no way he'd go for me.

Bella:Who says he wasn't looking at you the same way?

Lia:That's impossible, no way anyone would go for me💀

Bella:Trust me babes he's in love with you and you'll say I was right in no time

Lia:Haha,I don't believe you but we'll see about that

Ahmed came over to where we were and Jobe was next to him so I just congratulated both of them on their goals and just had a small conversation with Jobe.

Jobe:Hey,how are you?

Lia:I'm okay ig, what about you?

Jobe:I'm good

Lia:You should be,your goal was amazing!

Jobe:Thank you, I appreciate it

Lia:you are welcome

Jobe:I have to go but take care

Lia:You too

After Jobe left Ahmed gave a dirty look but I knew it was in a joking way so I gave him one back too and then gave him a hug because I was really proud of him.

Jude's POV:

Jobe scored an amazing header today,I'm so proud of him. But mum and dad are definitely more proud. I'm looking for Jobe when I see he's talking to Lia and I'm confused on how Jobe knows her because I thought she was a stranger I'd never met before, but I guess Jobe's already met her. After a minute or two of their interaction he walks over to us and gives mum and dad a hug and me a "bro hug".

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