Part 3

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Jude's POV:

I was back in Birmingham for the Christmas break and Jobe had a match so I decided to come support him.  I hadn't been to the Birmingham city stadium for a while so it was good to be back. My mum and dad were already there but I decided to go see Toby since I hadn't seen him in a while. Toby and I have been friends since we were kids, he's a true friend and he's always supported my dreams like I have with his. When we arrived at the stadium, I caught a glimpse of a girl I've never seen in my life. She had brown eyes,she was wearing a Birmingham city shirt and she had the most amazing smile I've ever seen. I was too busy admiring her and before I knew it, I bumped into her.

Random girl 1: Watch where you're going next time
Even her voice was beautiful.
Jude: I am so sorry I didn't mean to bump into you.
While she was on the ground I put out my hand to help her get up, there was an awkward pause until she finally accepted it.Toby and the girl besides her were too busy laughing at how ridiculous we looked. Before I got to ask her for her name the girl besides me interrupted me.

Random girl 2: Come on Lia, kick-off is in 3 minutes.
So her name was lia.
Lia:Yeah I'm coming, I'll just pay and I'll be right there.
That was the end of our interaction.

Toby: Mate do you know how ridiculous you looked when you put your hand out for her😂

Jude: Come on it wasn't that bad, she still accepted it.

Toby: But it was still embarrassing🙄

Jude: Whatever

  Aaliyah POV:

After the weird interaction Bella and I had with the two boys, I payed for my water since Bella had already paid for her stuff so I just hurried up and went to our seats. We had front seats, which made it possible to see the match really well. Mum said that this game was important for Ahmed because there were going to be scouts from a lot of Premier League teams, ManUTD,ManCITY,Liverpool,Arsenal and so much more. But we all knew that Ahmed wanted Liverpool and hoped they wanted him too, he just had to play really good today.

The first half just ended and there's no goals from either team yet. My mum wanted me to get her an Orange juice so I was on my way to get her the orange juice when I heard a familiar voice behind me, when I turned around I saw the boy from earlier with his friend. I could see his face more clearly this time and I recognized him as Jude Bellingham, now I'm not a football fan but I do know who Jude is since he's a Birmingham city favourite and all my brother talks about is him. My little brother is actually friends with Jobe since they are teammates, so I've met him a couple of times. Before he could notice me staring at him I ran to buy the orange juice and when I came back there was 10 minutes until the second half started so I just handed my mum her orange juice and went on my phone since Bella was at the bathroom. I had my AirPods on and I was just listening to "Change" by NF, I was quickly interrupted by a tap on my shoulder. I thought it was Bella so I turned around, but to my surprise it wasn't her. It was Jude talking to me but I had forgotten I had my AirPods on until I saw my reflection on my phone.

Lia: Oh my gosh I am so sorry, I didn't mean to ignore you. Can you repeat what you were say?
He responded nervously
Jude:Oh it's nothing big, Umm...I was just wondering if I could get your get your phone number?
Lia:Now why would I give someone who bumped into me my phone number🙄
Jude:Because he thinks you are really cool and is very sorry.
Lia:Okay fine
Jude:It's Jude by the way
I acted like I didn't know who he was so he wouldn't think I was stalking him or sm😭
Lia:Lia, nice to meet you.

After I gave him my phone number the teams were walking out of the tunnel and Bella had just come back from the washroom. She gave me a look basically asking me what was going on and I whispered to her that I'd tell her everything later.

Hey guys! Double update today, I really hope you guys are liking this book because it's my first one and I'm trying to my hardest to give you guys something really good. With Christmas break already here I'll def update a lot in the next 2-3 weeks. If you guys like this book please don't forget to vote and comment what you want to see in future updates.

Have a nice day/night/morning🤍

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