Good Morning

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I had woken up to the smell of pancakes being prepared in the kitchen. I smiled at the thought of my girlfriend baking. I stretched myself across the bed before jumping out and throwing on one of my girlfriend's hoodies. 

I followed the smell of pancakes right to the stove. I saw one of the sweetest sights ever... Hailee, attempting to bake. "Hello," I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her cheek gently. "Good morning," she turned to face me. "I see you're still stealing my hoodies," she pulls me by the collar into a soft, warm kiss. Her lips brushed against mine. The kiss suddenly became heated, she slammed me into the counter, lifting me onto the top of the bench. I wrapped my legs around her waist, smiling into the kiss. "God I love you Y/N, I really do," Hailee said before sliding her hands into the hoodie, gripping onto my hips. 

After a moment of a heated make-out session, I began to smell burning. "Do you smell that?" I pull away slightly. "No," she answered before pulling me into another kiss. I pulled away and glanced towards the pancakes. As I predicted, burnt. "I think you overdid the pancakes a little," I laugh. "SHIT! The pancakes. No, no, no, no-" "Hey, look at me, it's fine. Go sit down baby, I'll take care of it," I kiss her forehead. 

10 minutes later-

"Here we go," I greeted Hailee, handing her a cup of hot chocolate and pancakes. "God you're such a better chef than me." She places the plate and cup on the table. Hailee rests her head on my chest as I place an arm around her shoulder. "Teach me to cook like you?" She looks up at me. "Of course," I softly peak her lips. "Promise me you'll stay. Promise, no matter how bad my cooking is, you'll stay with me through it all," she pulls away from my body to look at me better.  "I promise." I hold out my ring finger. Hailee and I always had a thing, instead of pinky promises we use our ring finger as it has a vein leading straight to the heart. It was our thing. Hailee interlocks her ring finger with mine. "Always and forever," I promise.

Hailee Steinfeld ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now