After The Break Up

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Y/n Pov-

You and Hailee had broken up months before this interview you were about to walk into. You knew the fans were about to go feral over seeing the two of you together in the same room again.

The breakup was mutual as you both couldn't find the time or energy to be together anymore. When you both chose to call it off, you left on good terms, still texting each other to see if the other was doing okay in all dimensions of health, but that was until fans began to pull you both further apart.

Both fandoms became toxic towards each other, arguing and creating rumors about Haliee and yourself. Your "good-terms' ' soon developed in awkwardness and anger towards each other. You didn't even have a right to have anger but it was the interactions online from too involved fans that created this negative energy.

You were changing into your outfit, a royal blue dress (or suit if preferred), minutes before having to walk out onto the stage to greet all cast mates of your popular MCU show, Hawkeye. People were coming in and out to touch up details of make up or simply to countdown the minutes.

"Y/n, it's time," Your manager, Thomas announced.

You stood up, taking a deep breath before starting towards the entrance to the stage. You stood tapping your feet anxiously. Jeremy was already out there, waving and greeting the audience. You were going to be second on. Haliee was third.

Why did you agree to this?

Maybe because you wanted to see her once more?

"Let's give a big round of applause to the wonderful... Y/n Y/l/n!!" Jimmy Fallon announced

Inhaling deeply, you stuttered out onto the stage with fake confidence and a fake smile. You waved towards the crowd before embracing Jeremy warmly.

"Thank you Jimmy for having me, again." You lay a greeting kiss on his cheek before taking the middle seat next to Jeremy. You knew who was going to be sitting on your right.

"Now let's introduce the next wonderful guest... Haliee Steinfeld!"

You attempted to keep a smile on your face as you heard a roar of applause.

There she was, in all her glory. The fluorescent stage lights shone down onto her glowing skin. Her eyes skimmed the audience with her bright smile.

Hailee shook Jimmy's hand before moving towards Jeremy. You knew you were being watched, being judged on how professional you were going to act. You took a laid back approach to the situation, standing up and softly smiling as Haliee addresses Jeremy.

Haliee pulled away, before meeting your gaze in a moment of enchanted tension. You noticed her lips drop slightly, as her eyes lowered, avoiding your eyes.

"Hey," You said softly, opening your arms to acknowledge her presence.

As Hailee stepped into your arms, wrapping her own around your shoulders, the crowd's whistles and cheers drowned out. Her vanilla scent drowned you, suddenly triggering memories of months ago.

"Hi, Y/n" she hugged you for what seemed like minutes, but only seconds passed, before pulling away awkwardly.

All three castmates sat comfortably into their seats, patiently waiting for the fun questions to start from Jimmy.

As the night went on, games were played and questions were answered. The interview was coming to the end and more personal questions were starting to be asked. Your arm sat on the right side of the arm rest as your thumb nail rubbed aggressively against your index finger. This was a habit you had that you would only do when you were anxious or severely upset about something. Hailee knew this habit all too well as she was always first to comfort you in any situation months ago.

You felt her hand take yours, pressing gently to calm you down. You glanced up at her for a second, noticing a small comforting smile sitting on her lips.

"So, Haliee and Y/n, tell us about your relationship right now. I know you two had quite an adventurous relationship in the media but one day you guys just broke up randomly." Jimmy started as you felt Hailee drop your hand.

"Well of course it was portrayed like this in the media but every relationship has its problems. We both mutually agreed to break up knowing this was the only way to develop into better people and find the happiness we both deserve," You sat forward, fingering fidgeting furiously.

"I see...this is very mature of the both of you. Hailee, how are you handling this break up? Have any new romantic partners?" Jimmy asked curiously.

"No new partners yet. I guess I'm still processing the end of my recent relationship," Hailee stated.

"What do you mean by processing the relationship?" Jimmy sat forward.

You felt Jeremy glance at you, reading your expression. You didn't look at Hailee, you just waited quietly for her answer.

"Um- well, our relationship was probably the best I've been in. When we broke up, I know Y/n got a lot of criticism from people who are supposed to be my fans and they said we were toxic. This was never true though. Y/n was always there for me, even after the end. She brought out my best side and I don't think I was ever ready to let her go. Honestly... Y/n was my first true love and I guess when you have your first real love, they become someone who will always have a special place in your heart." Hailee answered.

You turned your head, studying her. You had no idea this is how she felt. Maybe it wasn't as mutual as you thought.

"That's a very hard thing to admit, thank you for that Hailee. Unfortunately that's all we have time for tonight..."

Jimmy concluded his show, sending all three of you off stage. Your head was spinning as you strutted backstage, and down the hall. You glanced right and sighted people gripping onto Hailee and hugging her with deep pity. Once they let go, she excused herself and began walking down the hall, back to her dressing room.

"Hailee!" You ran up to her, grabbing her arm.

She turned around, her smile fading as she realized it was you.


"No. Don't apologize or anything. Look, is that true what you said up there? About me?" You released her wrist from your grip.

Hailee nodded to your words, confessing to you.

"Why didn't you tell me any of this?" You shook your head, disappointed in yourself for not noticing sooner.

"Y/n, you were struggling in the relationship and if helping you meant letting you go, then that's okay with me." Hailee huffed.

"Hailee... I didn't want it to end either, you know. How could anyone stop loving you?" You express.

"What are you saying, Y/n?" Hailee asked.

"Maybe it wouldn't be a horrible idea if maybe... we tried again?" You suggested.

"You know it's not going to be the same as it used to be. We can't just go back to were we left off," Hailee argued.

"I know. We'll take it slow, like a fresh start. Let me take you out?" You smiled, hoping for the answer that was anything but no.

"Why would I ever turn that down," Hailee smiled.

Suddenly everything fell into place. The world seemed to stop spinning and it was only the two of you standing there. You would only feel this way when you were around her. You knew it was different this time... This time it was going to work out. Everything was going to works out.


Hey everyone! Hope you all enjoyed. I haven't written a Hailee story for a long time. honestly hope this was good!!

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