The moon and the ocean

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Hailee's pov-

Hailee and you had been dating for almost a year but the relationship had become more difficult to manage with miscommunication and arguments. At moments, Hailee walks out of the room, leaving you in your shared apartment alone. Even after all that, she would always come back to you.

At this very moment in time, the two of you were making lunch together. You hadn't been intimate with each other in weeks and lately Hailee was craving it.

As you stood at the kitchen counter, Hailee glanced at you with a small smirk. She wrapped her hands around your waist, pulling you into her. She started to kiss your neck but suddenly you pushed her away slightly, moving back to your sandwich.

"What's wrong?" Hailee moved away from you cautiously.

"Nothing," you muttered. You didn't turn to look at her, you kept your eyes upon your sandwich.

"Why did you move away from me then?" Hailee asked, as she rested her back against the counter and folded her arms.

"I'm not in the mood to do anything today," You rolled your eyes and turned towards Hailee.

"You haven't been in the mood for three weeks. Are you not attracted to me anymore?" Hailee complained, generally feeling not enough.

"No, I just don't feel like doing sexual stuff right now. Can you respect that?" You were becoming frustrated and Hailee could sense it in your tone.

Hailee was unsure how to approach this situation. She became defensive, in order to prove herself to you.

"Are you serious! I have been nothing but respectful of your boundaries. I have never once pushed you into doing anything, so don't you dare question me on that!" Hailee yelled.

The more you argued, the more she became more tired of the relationship. She didn't want to leave you but it was becoming painfully exhausting with the constant arguments.

"I can't do this Hailee. Not today!" You placed your elbows onto the table and rested your head in your hands.

"You can never do this apparently," Hailee muttered, as she walked out of the kitchen, leaving her lunch on the counter and headed for the door.

"What did you just say!" Hailee's quiet sentence triggered you to fire back.

"You heard me, Y/n." Hailee stated before opening the door.

"Where are you going!?" You walked around the counter in order to catch Hailee but it was too late. She had slammed the door and sped walked down the hallway.

Y/n Pov-

You stood, shocked by the force of the slam. Hailee had seemed more hurt then she usually was and a sudden sickening feeling boiled in your inner stomach. It wasn't that you didn't want to be intimate with Hailee, you just hadn't felt yourself lately.

You walked over to the counter and grabbed the sandwich. You picked it up, but didn't eat it. You just stared. You stared at the sandwich, thinking about how you had pushed Hailee away while making this very sandwich.

This didn't feel like a normal argument, this felt like so much more. This felt like the beginning of the end.

The night seemed to drone on as you wandered around the apartment. You messaged Hailee multiple times considering it was late now.  Every message and every call had been ignored. Your eyes were becoming heavy and soon you found yourself slipping into sleep.

You were unaware of how much time had passed when you were woken by a body holding yours. You were too tired to argue with Hailee, you just turned into the body and wrapped your arms around her. Hailee held you back before whispering "I'm sorry."

Hailee Steinfeld ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now