Late night snacks

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Recent days had not been so kind to you. You had been so busy, you had no time for anyone, not even you girlfriend, Hailee.

Hailee had been quite busy herself, so your schedules hadn't lined up at all.

You missed her dearly, considering you both had been constantly out of town.

Of course you FaceTimed everyday at exactly 8:00pm, and you texted all day, even in interviews.

Sometimes, Hailee would send you dirty texts during your comic con interviews just to mess with you.

So after all the busy days, Hailee and you had finally decided it was time to take a couple of days off to spend time together.

What you didn't realise was that, you both were too tired to do anything.

You had sleep all day, catching up on the hours of sleep you both missed.

After sleeping all day, Hailee and you had decided to move to the bed to get even more comfortable rest.

But from all the sleep you had endured from the day, you were too awake, too alert to sleep now.

You tossed and you turn but yet, sleep never arrived. You didn't want to wake Hailee, as for some reason, she had found sleep again.

You looked over at her and you had fallen in love with her all over again.

You studied the the way the dim light lit up her features. You watched the way her chest rose and fell with each small breath she took.

You got up quietly, careful not to wake her. The floors creaked underneath you as you made your way to the kitchen.

You opened the fridge only to find it empty. Neither of you had been home to fill the fridge up.

You sighed, leaning against the bench in frustration.

"Y/N? What you doing up? Can't sleep?" You turned to see a shadowy figure.

"Yeah, did I wake you?" You walk towards your girlfriend.

"Nah, I can't sleep either, I'm kind of hungry."

Hailee wrapped her arms around your waist, squeezing you tight. You rested your cheek on her head, savouring the moment.

"Wanna go for a drive and get something to eat?" You tilt her head up to look at you, and you rest your foreheads together.

"Yes please," she pecked your lips quickly, before grabbing your hand and swiping the keys from the table.

"Oh no you don't," you pick her up and turn her around.

"What are you doing?" She laughs as her feet hit the floor.

"I'm driving," you snatched the keys right out of her hands and climb into the drivers seat before she could say anything.

"Fine but I'm picking the music," she climbs into the passenger seat, connecting her phone to Bluetooth.

She clicks play on the song and you laugh at the song choice.

(I wanna be your girlfriend- girl in red)

"Are you serious? Girl in red!?" You giggled as you pulled out of the drive way.

"Yeppo," she chuckled, winding down the window.

Your heart skipped a beat as you watched your girlfriend look ever so beautiful.

The wind was blowing through her hair, a small smile sitting on her lips and her eyes were closed.

You smiled to yourself at the sight of her. You felt like you won the lottery. Sometimes it was hard to believe someone so beautiful could love you, yet she did, she loved you with everything she had.

You kept one hand on the wheel as your other hand subconsciously took Hailees, squeezing it tight.

10 minutes later~

Hailee had been so caught up with singing, she hadn't noticed you had arrived at the supermarket.

"If you don't mind me interrupting your concert, we've arrived at our destination, my lady," you gestured for her to get out.

You both walked hand in hand into the supermarket.

"So Y/N, what do you want to get?" She looked up at you.

"Ice-cream. First one to find it wins," you took off, running for the fridge section.

You scanned the isle, but you felt someone shove you, causing you to slow down.

Hailee was half way down the isle when you realised it was her that had slowed you down.

"HA! I FOUND IT," she ripped opened the fridge door, snatching the ice-cream off the shelf.

You ran up behind her, picking her up and spinning her around.

"AHHH! PUT ME DOWN," she wriggled.

You placed her down, your arms still tight around her as you kissed her all over.

First her cheek, then her neck then her head.

She was in a fit of laughter as she subconsciously wrapped an arm around your neck.

"Okay okay, stop," she laughed, turning to face you.

Her face softened, and a small, sweet smile was sitting on her lips.

Her hands were fiddling with the back of you hair as you rested your foreheads together once more.

"I missed you so much," she smiled, kissing you.

It was like your first kiss with her all over again.

It wasn't rough. It was gently, sweet. You smiled into the kiss. Your heart was beating fast, faster then ever before. You stepped back, taking her with you.

You pulled away from the kiss, your eyes still closed. "I missed you too."

"Can we eat ice-cream now?" Hailee said causing you to chuckle.

"Of course."

You took the ice-cream and payed at the counter. You didn't go home immediately, you sat on the gutter of the car park, eating the ice-cream.

"This is one of the best nights I've experienced with you," Hailee admitted to you.

"Me too,"you placed an arm around her and she rested her head on your shoulder.

"Hey Hailee?" You say looking up at the sky.


"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"

"Mhm" she hummed.

"You feel like home to me Hailee," you said, eyes still on the sky above.

"You feel like home too," Hailee pecked your cheek.

"Don't say too, it sounds like you agreeing," you look done at her.

She take her head off your shoulder, looking over at you...

"You are my home Y/N."

Hailee Steinfeld ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now