Panic attack

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You were in your dressing room before an interview, negative thoughts weighing you down.

Your head was spinning. You collapsed to the ground, gasping for air.

You had panic attacks before, but never like this.

Tonight was the first interview you were doing since Hailee and you had come out as a couple.

You knew the questions were going to hit you, left, right and centre.

You curled into a ball, unable to move. You knew that everyone was waiting for you, it was almost time to go on.

But you couldn't go out looking like a mess. You couldn't even find the strength to clean yourself up.

Suddenly, you heard a knock at the door.

"Hey Y/N? Is everything okay in there? Everyone's waiting, it's almost time to go on," The voice of your lover echoed into the room.

Hailee knew something was off. You didn't seem excited like you usually do when it comes to interviews.

She pressed her ear up against the door, only to here small sobs and heavy breathing from the other end.

She opened the door, slowly, to find you curled up in a ball, head resting on your knees.

At the sight of you, Hailee's eyes widened, and her heart seemed to fold in on itself. You looked absolutely shocked, almost catatonic.

Your eyes were wide with what Hailee began to perceive as fear.

your hands had flown to your temples, where you seemed to ground yourself, your gaze averted past the solid wood of the table you shared.

Hailee could see that you weren't coping well, something had triggered something far more potent within her.

"Y/n?" Hailee called over the blaring of the alarms.

You glanced around, but no one seemed to be present in their area.

"Hey, you..." She gently reached out to touch you, getting nothing but your labored breathing in response.

Hailee felt her heart tear up at whatever was happening to the girl before her.

Instinct took over, and Hailee's hands were guiding themselves to your cheeks as she faced you fully, tilting your head towards her.

Her dark gaze had locked with your stare and she knew she'd broken through

"Y/N." She whispered, knowing your eyes could trace her lips, if not hear her, or feel her vibrations at least.

"It's okay." She murmured, every trace of humor, malice, competitiveness in her tone gone.

She felt like she'd known you all her life, that her only purpose was to calm you, to get that horrified look out of your once happy, bright gaze.

"You're safe," Hailee told you, and your eyes traced her lips, nodding almost imperceptibly. "I'm here," Hailee promised.

And you broke.

You buried yourself into Hailee's shoulder, in the nook between her neck and the slight dip of her muscled shoulder, breathing in raggedly as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Hailee didn't think when her arms went around you, just as they had so many times when Griffen had gone through a breakup or when a Co-star was too upset to act.

She was soothing you with little rubs on your back, allowing you to cling to her while she offered solace, safety, warmth.

Hailee fought the urge to bury her nose into your sweet-smelling

She watched you recede into the shell of the person she's been earlier, so competitive and snarky and full of life.

Hailee whispered and cooed silent reassurances, promises she didn't know she could make.

And then it was over.

all that could be heard was your sniffing as you froze, going rigid in Hailee's embrace.

You pulled back, suddenly. You stared at Hailee for a moment before opening your mouth to say something.

"I'm scared, they're going to overload me with questions about us. I- I can't go out there." You said through pausing in your sobs.

"Look at me," she brushed a strand of hair from you face.
"I'm here. I'll be right beside you Y/N, the whole time. There's no need to cry, baby." She wipes the tears from your face.

"Come on, let's clean you up before you go out there. You might scare the kids with your mascara," she joked.

"Is it that bad?" You laughed sheepishly.

"Yep, but it's okay, I still think your the most beautiful person I've ever seen," she said, grabbing a tissue and dabbing it under your eyes.

"How long have you been having panic attacks for?" She said, eyes still trained on dabbing you cheeks free from mascara.

"A while I guess. This was probably close to the worst Ive had it. I don't usually get it for events like this, these are easy for me. I guess I kind of overthought the whole thing, you know, the question and stuff." You shrugged, eyes staring at the ground.

"What was the worst you've had a panic attack for?" She scrunched her face in confusion.

"When I was told I was going to have to work with you for a project. Jesus, I was dreading it so much," you joked.

"Ha ha, very funny" Hailee sarcasm made you giggle.

Hailee stood up, taking her hand and yours and leading you to the door.

"You ready?" She rubbed circles around you hand.


You walked out of the room, hand in hand. Everyone's eyes were on you.

"Y/N! Where have you been, you and Hailee are on in 1 minute," a man came running toward you.

Hailee squeezed your hand, reassuring you, before she began to say, "she had a lady crisis, Jason. You know, peeing blood and-"

"Alright alright! That's enough, you don't need to say that," the man covered his ears.

"Are you all good now?" He gestured towards you.

"Yeah, I'm fine," You smiled.

"Great, get out there!" He pointed towards the curtain, revealing two chairs and an interview.

As you both walked out onto the stage, the crowd roared in excitement.

The interview wasn't as scary or frightening as you thought it out to be. The questions were easy to answer.

And anytime Hailee saw you even the slightest bit uncomfortable or overthinking, she would squeezing you hand. At one point, subconsciously, your knee was shaking uncontrollably and Hailee had rested a hand on it to calm you down.

She really is your dream girlfriend and you were so incredibly lucky to have her.

I just want everyone to know that the writing of the panic attack isn't mine. It is from another story but I can't remember the authors name. The writing is from a story about Clexa, called Catch me, I'm falling.

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