Swimming? (SMUT)

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REQUEST- @jaylinsroar


Y/n Pov-

The night was warm and people were outside soaking in the summer breeze. You and Hailee, your girlfriend, had decided to stay in tonight, hopefully being able to spend it alone together. You were sitting on the couch, inches away, call of duty. The games had been touch and go between the two of you. You were about to start a new game when Hailee said something unexpected to you...

"Y/n... what if we made a deal?" Hailee suggested, with a small smirk.

"Oh yeah? Depends what it is." You lowered your controller, eyeing her curiously.

"Whoever wins... gets head?" Hailee grinned viciously.

"Deal." You immediately extended your hand, meeting Hailee's, in a dangerous agreement.

The two of you started the game, both determined to win with so much on the line. You shot at her avatar as she shot at yours. The score was close to even with Hailee in the lead by only two points.

As you continued to play, the pressure grew as the final 30 seconds started. The two of you were drawing now. Hailee's character was running around, attempting to assassinate you, and take the win.

What she didn't know was that your avatar was lying on a building top, lining up a perfect shot, scoping her out. Your lens followed her as she ran, waiting for your moment to take the shot.

10, 9, 8,7,6... You pressed the button, sending the bullet through the air, 5,4,3,2,1...

The screens froze as the winner appeared.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" You stood up in pure happiness. You had taken the headshot right in time, making you win by a single point.

"Oh whatever! I totally let you win that one..." Hailee placed the controller onto the table, and sat back on the couch.

"Oh did you know?" You walked over to her, your smile dropping and glaring at her seductively.
You straddled her body, hand sliding around her neck, playing with her hair.

"Yeah I did..." Haile gulped, her hands wrapping around your hips.

"Don't be a sore loser Hailee baby." You lifted a hand to her mouth, dragging your thumb across her bottom lip.
"I lost hmm? You know what that means," Hailee lifted your weight, flipping you underneath her as she hovered on top of you.

You felt her warm hands slide slightly under your shirt. You opened your mouth as if to say something but were unable to find the words.

"I'm gonna make you feel so good baby," Hailee whispers in the space between.

She leaned in closer to you, kissing you hard but slowly. He tongue begged for access as her fingers traveled further up your bare stomach, stopping at the wire from your bra. Her kisses begin traveling down your face to your jawline before Hailee starts sucking gently at your neck.

"Hailee-" You breathed, closing your eyes as she took your body.

"Shhh Y/n." Hailee unclasps your bra from underneath your shirt. She removes it and immediately attaches her hands to them. Hailee's fingers pinch at your nipples, tugging gently, stimulating them.

You lift your body up slightly, giving access for Hailee to remove your shirt and clasp her lips onto your breasts. As she moves to your right nipple to your left, the evening air keeps them perked up.

Hailee's right hand slowly edges its way up your thigh before touching your center above the fabric of your pants. The seeme of your pants gently rubbing and pinching your clit as Hailee fingers you above the fabric.

You let out a small groan as the feelings and urges grew as Hailee teased you slightly.

"Hailee... please" You whimpered.

Hailee smirked, before lifting her hands to pull down your pants and underwear. The warm air of the summer night hits your glistening folds.

"So wet for me-" Hailee mumbled as moved herself between your thighs, wrapping her arms around your legs to hold you down.

Hailee's tongue makes contact with your center, easing your cravings. Your hands gripped onto Hailee's hair, pushing her mouth further into you. Each flick with her tongue met your body in the natural roll of your hips. 

"Fuck!" You moaned heavily as Hailee placed two fingers into your entrance, hitting your g-spot. She pumped into you with a steady pace as her other arm held your body down to stop from lifting up.

Your grip on her hair became harder, as your climax became closer and closer. Her tongue played with your clit, before sucking gently.

"Hailee! Holy shit!" You screamed out, before biting your lips to keep in your satisfactions

"That's it... that's my girl" Hailee mumbled against you, the vibrations forcing you to arch your back in pleasure.

You wanted to let go, you wanted to release your building high. You were screaming out Hailee's name as she was now entering your body with her long fingers at increased speed.

"Do it." Hailee demanded, and with saying that, you felt a wave of relief as your walls clenched against Hailee's two fingers.

As Hailee crawled back up to you, wiping your cum off her lips, a sudden knock at the door interrupts the two of you. You immediately jump up as you hear whos voice it was... it was Florence Pugh. She was banging at the door, waiting for an answer.

"Fuck- Y/n, hide or something" Hailee threw your clothes to you before you ran to the nearest bathroom, almost slipping as you shut the door.

You listened carefully as you redressed into your clothes.

"Flo! What are you doing here? How long have you been out here...?" You heard Hailee's small muffled voices as you pressed your ear against the door.

"A while- obviously you were busy doing something else...someone else." You blushed at flo's words, as you threw on your shirt.

"Shut up- what do you want!?" Hailee questioned in an embarrassed tone.

"Listen I was going to ask if you and Y/n and wanted to go swimming-" Flo said as you opened the door to the bathroom, limping slightly from how hard Hailee just did you.Flo saw you behind Hailee and she eyed you with a small grin.

"-But you seem like you'd rather dive into something else" Florence chuckles at her own words.

You placed your hands up to your head, hiding your rosy cheeks.

"Go away Flo!" Hailee goes to shut the door but Flo sticks a hand out to stop it.

"We're all down at the pool so come if you want" Flo said before quickly turning around and walking off.

Hailee shut the door before turning to you.

"We'll get ready to get made fun of..."

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