Colorblind (Requested)

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Requested by- projuju88


A smile spread across your face as you heard a gentle tap on the door.

You sprung up, opening the door. There she was... looking stunned and confused, as she looked you up and down.

"What?" You blushed, holding your hands together.

"You look amazing," Hailee grinned, shaking her head. she pulled you in, pecking your lips. "You ready for our date?" She held out her hand.

"Yep!" You intertwined your fingers.

time skip~

You felt a sudden pang in your heart as you realized where you were.

Hailee had taken you to the botanical gardens. It was filled with colours that blended together just perfectly, yet you couldn't see them. You could only really see blue and green, and that will never be good enough for you.

You forced a smile, hiding your sudden wave of sorrow.

"You like it?" Hailee said, glancing up as she pulled a picnic basket and blanket out of the back of her car.

Your eyes scanned the garden. From the rain-washed earth, from the rich black mud, came the gaily dancing flowers of summertime... if only you could see it properly.

The sun washed the garden with a golden glow and the sugar-frosted coating of winter melts from the grass. Birdsong filters in through. The dawn chorus erupts at daybreak as flute-throated thrushes sing their joy

"It's perfect," you lied. You didn't understand why you felt the need to lie to her about being colourblind. Maybe it was the constant thought of her leaving you for being different.

Hailee set out her blanket and basket, patting the spot next to her.

"Come," she called.

You sat, overlooking the still water as Hailee pulled out chocolate covered strawberries. The lake-side air was pungent with the fragrance of jasmine.

"Look how pretty the garden is. It's so green. Oooh god I love it! Greens my favorite colour," You nodded to her words, avoiding eye-contact.

"What's wrong?" She took a bite into a strawberry, looking at you curiously.

"Hmm? oh nothing. I like that flower. It's so... um- orange!" You pointed at a flower filled bush.

"Babe?" Hailee scrunched her face and tilted her head.

"What? You don't like the flower?" You laughed nervously.

"Yeah, I- I do. it's pretty... but the flower isn't orange," she explained. You felt your face go hot suddenly. "It's red."

"Oh haha" You laughed, trying to make a joke out of it. "I know that. I was just checking if you do. Just checking those pretty eyes of yours are not- uh- colourblind," You played it off.

You could see Hailee was confused but chose to leave the subject.

You had given up trying to explain your problem because people see truth from different perspectives, their narratives of the same events are often completely different. Confusion is that time when your conscious brain can't process it but your subconscious can.

You had gone on with life, pretending that you were normal, that you could process all the beautiful colours you longed to actually see.

You sat with Hailee as birds sung around you. Your eyes scanned the scenery.

Buzzing bees surfed the open spaces from flower to flower, desperately seeking pollen. The pollen looks like floating grains of pixie dust, scattered by the blustery wind.

"Hailee?" You looked up at her as you had rested your head on her lap.

"Yes, love?" She stroked you hair.

You knew you had to tell her this. It wasn't something you could hide from her.

You took a deep breath. Your heart was beating so loudly you thought Hailee would hear it for sure

"I- I have to tell you something..." you say up straight.

Hailee noticed you were playing with your rings. She knew you only did that when you felt anxious. She led her hands to yours, squeezing it softly.

"I'm colourblind."

"Oh, I think I knew that," she smiled.

"You knew?" You tilted your head.

"Yeah well it didn't take long to figure out... this pants do NOT match that top."

Your eyes widen, immediately glancing at your outfit.

"Actually!?" You touched your top, pulling it away from you chest.

"Calm down, it's cute," she grabbed your hands again.

You playfully shoved her, before suddenly standing up. You ran to the nearest bush, picking a flower.

You held it behind your back with a smug smirk.

"Y/n?" Hailee inched closer.

"Hailee. For you," you held out the flower, biting you lip.

"You're adorable, you know that." She blushed, taking the flower.

"Come here," she opened her arms.

She pulled you into a kiss. Her hands running through you locks.

She pulled away slightly, your noses still brushing against eachother.

"I love you more than anything or anyone on earth and you need to know that so deeply that you never doubt it."

You felt a tear form in your eye at her words.

"I'm not going anywhere Y/N. I'm going to follow you everywhere."

She pulled you into her chest. You felt warm, safe.

You were home.

Here everyone! Hope you enjoyed this one, I know I enjoyed writing it.
Have a nice day/night <3

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