The moon and the ocean -PT 3

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Y/n POV-

You woke up the following day, your head pounding and new bruises formed. You must have gone pretty hard last night with the drinking as you couldn't recall a single memory. The previous night, you only remembered wanting to get tipsy for the formal event but, must have lost control.

You sat up in your clean white sheets, noticing how your rented outfit was still on and destroyed. How on earth were you going to explain this one to your designer?

You rubbed your eyes and fixed your mattered hair before stretching and collapsing back onto your bed dramatically. You lay comfortably for almost a full minute before your phone started vibrating under the covers of the giant bed.

You groaned before attempting to search for your cell phone. You listened intently before reaching under and claiming your device. You squinted your eyes as notification after notification came pouring into your phone, all with similar topics

"What the fuck!" your eyes widened and regret finally slithered its way around your neck, choking you as your throat became dry.

You opened the phone and clicked on one of the many diverse notification headings.

Y/n and Hailee are back together?

As you clicked the article, a photo of the two of you appeared. You were standing closely, in the same outfit you were wearing this very second. You didn't remember this part of the night, nor did you want to.

You had to find out what had happened, and what mistakes you had created.

Your fingers found themselves subconsciously navigating toward Hailee's contact number and dialing the digits. The phone was on speaker as it began ringing. Your heart pounded at the anticipation of hearing Hailee's voice.

"Hello?" An ethereal tone rang through the phone speakers.

"Hailee? Hey..." your voice was husky due to your morning tiredness.

"Y/n, I was waiting for your call," Hailee stated like she knew something you didn't.

"I'm calling because I woke up to a bunch of articles being written about us, and was wondering what happened. You're the only one that can tell me," you sighed, your head falling into your hands.

"Oh, is that why you're calling?" her voice sounding slightly disappointed.

"Why else would I be calling? What am I missing here, Hailee?" You were becoming irritated by being the only person to not know what was going on.

"y/n? You seriously don't remember?" she sounded confused. "You really were that drunk..."

"Hailee, stop dodging my questions, What happened?" you asked again, you're voice growing sterner as each inch of patience left your body.

You didn't feel bad for being arrogant to Hailee as she had hurt you in an unexplainable way. She had taken a part of you that would forever be lost now...

"Sorry. You got drunk at the event last night and then you ran out the front where I was. You seemed really out of it and I didn't want anything to happen to you in that state so I stayed with you. You were saying a few things to me before we went inside and organized for coffee to... talk about what had happened between us." Hailee explained in caution.

You sighed, feeling relief run through your veins. You thought you had something more regrettable than that, something that couldn't be taken back when it came to Hailee.

"Oh? Is that all?" you chuckled a little, feeling a weight lift from your shoulders.

"Yeah... why do you sound happy?" Hailee's confusion only grew.

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