Make up se... (SMUT)

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Y/n POV-

You were having a relatively good day. You lay around behind the set of Hawkeye season 2, resting your body as you had been busy with a full schedule. Hailee and you had broken up a month ago and you had signed onto new projects to stay busy in order to keep your mind off of her, but today you had to see her for the first time.

You were half asleep on the shared couch in the meeting room for cast members when suddenly your body was shaken.

"Y/n!" Florence was still shaking you as your body jerked upwards.

"What?" You asked, pushing her off you in annoyance. Her face was telling you something serious was about to be told. Her eyes filled with pity and disappointment.

"Before Hailee comes in, which could be any second, I wanted to let you know something," Flo started, taking a seat next to you.

"What is it?" You noticed the door open to the meeting room which sat on the opposite side of the room. A body stood still in the doorway, back turned towards you as the person finished their conversation.

"These photos just got posted by TMZ. All your fans are attacking Hailee for it," Florence explained, handing you the phone.

You glanced down, flicking through and scanning the photos. Your heart sank as you analyzed them further. Hailee was holding hands with Josh Allen, the quarterback for the Buffalo Bills. Her smile was as bright as it used to be when the two of you would go on dates like this. You noticed how her hand was on top of his, just the way she used to with you.

You stood up, tears forming in your eyes. Your throat burned as you held back your cries.

"Y/n." Florence stood beside you, touching your shoulder slightly.

You didn't say anything, you began walking toward the door. That's when it happened. The person at the door spun around, bumping into you.

"Oh sorry- Y/n?" Hailee stood face dropping as you looked up at her in pure disgust.

How could she have moved on so quickly?

Did the past year mean nothing to her?

You pushed past her, walking fast towards your trailer as tears began spilling out. You wiped furiously at the tears, hoping no one would see.

You opened your trailer door, slamming it shut. Anger formed deep in your gut as you collapsed to the floor. Your body heaved breathlessly. You gripped onto your hair as the thought of not being good enough formed in your mind.

"Y/n?" A voice whispered.

You hadn't realized the door had opened, let alone a whole human being standing less than a meter away.

Your hand wiped away the last tears before you took a deep breath as you stood up to confront the person.

"What could you possibly want from me Hailee? To explain? Don't worry, the photos do it for you," You spat the words out with enhanced aggression.

"No." Hailee looked towards the ground, avoiding eye contact.

Hailee's POV-

Seeing you break like this hurt Hailee beyond repair, especially knowing she was the cause of this. Hailee couldn't find an excuse to comfort you for something she had done. She just stood there, watching as you fell apart in front of her.

"What do you mean, no?" You breathed heavily, pulling yourself together.

"I- I just wanted to see if you were okay. I don't want you to be alone in states like this." Hailee continued to look at the ground, afraid to see the destruction she had caused.

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