Chapter 37 | Will

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I'm feeling 100X better after my little cold. I'm still struggling to find time to write, but also having the most tiny bit of writers block. Like I still know the general direction of where I want this story to go and how I want it to end, but I'm struggling with getting it there in the way I wanted. Also I am feeling really inspired to right my other story and I very much want to share it with you guys because I truly believe you'll LOVE it, but I'm dedicated to completing this story first as to not overwhelm myself. Anyway there's a bit of an update on myself, how are you guys?


I wake up pressed to Mason's chest and we're alone in the tent. I sit up slowly, but Mason's arm is still loosely around my waist. As I'm yawning Gage unzips the tent roughly and comes barrelling in.

"Damn! it's cold this morning"

My eyes widen and shoot down to Mason's arm and I try not to choke. Forcing myself to act natural and nod awkwardly. Gage rummages around in his bag before taking out a sweater and pulling it on over his head.

"You two gonna get up and help the rest of us pack this shit or what?"

I bite my lip my body tense from how close Gage is to us, if he takes one decent glance he'll spot Mason's arm in a heartbeat.

"Uh yeah"

He pulls his sweater down so his head pops out and nods.

"Good, get a move on"

The second he leaves the tent I let out a breath of relief, but the second I do Hank chuckles.

"Close call?!"

I yelp and nearly jump out of my skin waking Mason up who groans.


I blush moving his arm off me grumbling.

"It's nothing"

I stand while Hank smiles at me cheekily.


Rolling my eyes I move to my bag pulling on a hoodie not bothering to fully change clothes knowing I'm just going to end up sitting in a car anyway. Thankfully I feel a lot better this morning and I'm no longer worried about a fever.

Hank and I leave the tent just as Mason starts to fully wake up. I follow Hank over to where my mom is directing Gage to go offer the new couple at the site next to us our leftover firewood and my dad to pack up the camping chairs.

"Good morni..."

I'm interrupted by her hands clapping.

"Oh good! Will you're awake! You can help your father"

She turns heading to go pack up something else and I roll my eyes.

"Sure thing"

My dad laughs.

 "Don't worry about it she's just worried we won't have everything packed up in time"

I nod. "I know, she's just so..."

Hank grins. "Loud?"

I laugh. "Sure, loud"

We pack up the chairs quickly and as we carry them to the car Mason comes out of the tent. He looks around before his eyes land on me and he walks over grabbing the two chairs from me and taking them to the car. I blink at him barely registering that he's taken the chars.

"I could have carried them"

He shrugs. "So could I"

I make a face but instead, head to our tent to pack up my stuff. Mason and Hank follow with Gage joining us shortly after he returns from sharing our firewood.

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