🌻Chapter 51

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At Gulf's Place

Gulf busy himself in the kitchen, chopping some vegetables, while his brothers are busy watching him, worried.

"Ouch!!!" Gulf exclaimed when he made a small cut on his finger.

His brothers startled at the sudden outburst from Gulf.

"P'...I've been thinking..."

"What is it, Boun?"

"If you're so worried standing here watching him, why don't you just chase him out of the kitchen."

"Y-You're right." Tong said, still worried to his little brother, but contradicted himself. "No...I can't! Gulf needs to learn skills to survive!"

It's been so long since I cut my finger. Gulf thought, licking his wound.

Suddenly, he remembered his conversation with Mew earlier and the prank he made. It made him pissed.

How dare you lie to me. This is really too much. After all, I am Mew's...



We actually haven't confirmed the we are 'currently dating' issue yet...!?

Don't tell me...that I have the 'we are going out kind of feeling.?

Wait a minute...

Gulf bite his finger while the thoughts keeps running on his head, feeling unsettled, while his brothers still watching him, worrying.

At School

"Gulf---! Come and take a look at this!" Earth called Gulf excitedly.

Gulf lift his head from the desk and ask groggily. "What?"

"It's not the time for sleeping! Just now there were girls gathering at the cafeteria buying copies. I was able to get one!!" He then push the school newspaper that he was holding. On the front page is the caption that says 'Student Body President's Private life! ' "Look!"


Gulf snatch the newspaper on Earth's hand. "Stu---Student Council!?"

"Ah---It's that? Win mentioned it to me." said Bright, peeking at the newspaper. "The newspaper club wants that dark---I mean wants to interview the student council president."

Birthday. Interest. And what he does during his day off?

All these information have nothing to do with student council.

"I heard that Mew has a lot of fans." said Bright.

"That's not surprising since that guy actually looks pretty cool. And the girls just can't resist that cold but cool aura. And not just his studies, he's good in sports as well." second by Earth.

Gulf slams the newspaper on his desk and stand up.

"Ah, Gulf, where are you going?"

"Don't you want to read this!?"

Gulf hurriedly went out of his classroom to go to the cafeteria. There he saw a bunch of female students discussing and chattering about the headline of the school newspaper, busy buying their own copy.

W-What's going on.....!?

"Look---There's his birthday written here!" said one of the student, amazed. "If that's the case, I can give him a gift."

"I don't know if he'll accept it."

"Sorry. Please give me a copy as well." said Kao, suddenly appearing behind Gulf.

"Ah. P'Kao!"

"Ah, N'Gulf. My, my. It's amazing that Mew is so popular."

Suddenly, one of the students pointed Mew walking with Win. "Ah! It's P'Mew!"

Gulf darted his eyes towards Mew, and his heart started to pound.

That's right. Since the beginning I knew Mew is popular. But to think that I underestimated his popularity.

Now, thinking about it...I'm with such an amazing guy.


My Naughty Love (MewGulf AU)Where stories live. Discover now