History of a saint

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Levina POV

My brothers dragged me back to our house,it was all white and very old fashioned but it was home...or so I thought.

They brought me to the dining room and locked the door as I sat down,still in shock.
I was half Fjerdan,my father had an affair with a Ravkan women who had died during my birth,so I already looked different then everyone else here.

Blonde? Yes but much darker then the others

Blue eyes?nope,luckily though if I wore bright enough clothing then my dark grey eyes would look bluer

Polite and delicate? Ha,please!...yeah I've got no chance at that but I try.

The village freak and just as u thought my reputation couldn't get any worse.Lighting...literal lightning blasting out of my hands.Just as well no one except my brothers were around,I can trust them...I think

"What was that"
Joseph,my older brother asked in Fjerdan after a few minutes of silence

"What was that"Joseph,my older brother asked in Fjerdan after a few minutes of silence

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"What was what?"
I tried playing dumb,even dumber move

"Don't play stupid"

"I don't know what it was,I don't know how I did it and I don't know how to do it again"

"Your grisha"

"Please just don't tell anyone,okay I-I didn't choose to be this way"

"We should tell father!"
Mine and Joseph's younger brother,Sam,yelled

"We should tell father!"Mine and Joseph's younger brother,Sam,yelled

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"What are you insane?! Father will kill her!"
Joseph yelled back

"Look,if we tell father then maybe he'll see that grisha aren't so bad"

"NO,he'd think that they are getting smarter and sneakier,the fact that one was living right under his nose would absolutely in rage him"

My brothers fought back and fourth until I interrupted their silly little squabble

"LOOK ENOUGH,just because I'm grisha doesn't mean i'm not still me but father won't see that...so please for my life...don't tell him"

Narrator POV

They both nodded but Sam was still unsure so thats why he decided to ask...


"What's so bad about the grisha father?"
He sat down with rum in his hand across from in father in their arms chairs in front of the fireplace

"Grisha?AH! DISTURBING THINGS THEY ARE...us Fjerdans have a special respect for nature and the grisha their ways...what they are is unnatural,disgusting...wrong.no one should ever listen or make peace with grisha.honestly they should all just be shot.dead"

Sam was in shock and he get even more flustered when his father spoke again

"Why do you ask?"

"Uh I-I just erm...was just very uh...c- c-curious"



It wasn't a blur to Joseph,torches were lit,pitchforks were out and grisha hunters had been called to come.Druskelle.

They were coming and Levina had gone running.He was going to go with her until he saw Sam and his father having a conversation he ignored until he heard sam's voice

"How did you know Levina was a grisha?"

"Your pity towards their kind...I knew 'just curiosity' wouldn't make you so stupid as to question why they are so bad...now get a rifle and go after that traitor"

Their father walked away

Joseph yelled as he punched his brother square in the face.

"...I just thought I could change his mind..."


As she ran covered in dirt she grew more tired,hungry and thirsty.
Levina had been on the run for 6 days until she reached ravkan borders but their was forest and lots of it she had to go through.though in her opinion,it was more like a bog.

Druskelle had hunter her up to here.
She had taken a break to boil lake water over an open fire so that she could drink it.It was the right decision as she would've died of thirst if not but unfortunately it gave those barstards the time to catch up with her,so much that as she ran,muddy boots and blood stained skin,she could hair them yelling for her.

Until one come into her line of vision with a gun raised,Joseph.
He was crying and dirty as he looked at her.through the weapon to the ground he pulled her in for a hug and they both knew...this would be the very last they ever saw each other.

"I'm sorry,I'm so sorry,I couldn't protect you lillasyster"
(Little sister in Fjerdan)

"It's not your fault storebror"
(Big brother in Fjerdan)

"Go go,you need to run.flee to ravka,please"

Their foreheads were pressed against each other before she ran off but not before hearing something that just made the whole situation a thousand times worse

"You son of a bitch! You let the witch get away...ARREST HIM"


And the rest is history...

Levina was cornered,a storm rolled in,she had a outburst of power,three other Grisha found her and took her to their general.

She was taken back to the little palace,taught Ravkan even though her Fjerdan accent remained.The general took interest in the girl who made electricity and after 2 years in the little palace the frightened,betrayed 15 year old turned in a fierce and vengeful 17 year old saint.

Hell bent on getting revenge on her father for her hunt and the execution of her brother after he let her go and helping to destroy west of the fold by the side of none other then
The Black Heretic

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