No mourners

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Thunder crashing and darkness surfing them,
"Can you feel them"
The darkling asked Ivan.
"No heartbeats yet,sir"

Alina was still tied to the deck and tension was so high in the air you could probably slice it with a sheet of paper.
Growling and screeching came the the abyss and Levina hoped that her lover wouldn't stall and when it came to the time to use their new stolen power,he would do so.

"Their coming"
Alina was panicking


"I should just tear this whole thing down right now-"

"-and what can you do on your own"
He rubbed that fact she was a fairly weak summoner at the moment,in her face."and besides,it would be a monumental waste if power"

She saw them coming closer and Alina tried to create some light but the General grabbed her arm "no,remember who's driving"
He created a tunnel,so that the fold was simply around them and the volcra could not hurt them.

Aleksander grabbed Levina's hand,whispering in her ear "do you see this...this our beginning,the beginning of safety for grisha-"
She started smiling,truly happy since a long time,Aleksander liked this.The light in her eyes,he fed on it.Bathed in the happiness that he had brought her.He held her chin, "-with us as its rulers..."

He looked away as Alina started yelling "why do this,why just a tunnel,you have me.Why not destroy it"

To this the retorted
"And why would we destroy the fold-"
"-it is the greatest weapon we've got..."
Levina finished his sentence.

They stopped right at the border of Novokirbisk.
So close as to being able to look out onto the city.

"Why have we stopped"
A noble women came forward and questioned.
She was ignored.

"You've seen what the sun summoner can do-"Aleksander spoke to the crowd of lords and ladies on the ship
"-now bear witness to what I can do with her power"
And the Fold started to move...into Novokirbisk...

"Today we redraw all the maps,with the power of the sun summoner,I control the fold...and it's monsters...I can move it to any border I like,Engulf any harbour.
Consume any city.
Take what you have seen back to your move counties.Tell the Fjerdans.Tell the Shu Han.There will be no more war with Ravka...all countries will answer to us.For who would oppose us now?

Mal came out,shooting guards on the ship as Kirigan and Levina stayed Unbothered and just gave Ivan the signal.
Ivan then started to slow Mal's heart beat.Mal could even taste the blood on throat as Alina begged them to stop and Mal was kept Alive,just on the brink of death.

Suddenly Zoya's moved the fold and 3 familiar low life's came out from below deck.
Until 2 daggers flew pour hitting Aleksander and Levina in their chests.Levina fell to the ground as Ivan ran to her,trying to keep her heart a steady pace,black veins appeared on The Black Heretic's skin as he pulled the dagger out,yelling out to everyone

He the dagger to the ground as he moved the fold yet again except...he pulled the fold onto them...

Rushing to Levina's side as the other fought off the quickly swarming volcra,he quickly pulled her up,so that her limp body was leaning against his.
It wasn't an order,it was a threat.

He shook her trying to keep her conscious.
" can do this..."
Her voice was broken and groggy.
He pulled her into him,feeling as if all his meaning was dying in us arms and there was nothing he could do to stop it.
Feeling as if he was eating his words about what he said to Alina when they  found her with the stag,for he too had a legendary power,but he was no healer...

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