The calm before the storm

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Darkling's POV

I laid there stroking her hair,with my fingertips caressing her bare back,
"Do you remember?"

"Remember what?"
She pulled away a bit to look up at

"When you first came here?"

"Of course,I was terrified"
She laughed airily and it made a warmth spread through his chest.

"...I was so infatuated with you"

She laughed again making increasing the warmth sensation making it hard for him to breath.

"Well I hope you still are..."

"Oh trust me-"he pulled her up on top of him,holding her face in his hands
"-nothings changed, min kärlek"
(My love in Fjerdan)

And it was the truth,the dark evil shadow summoner had just become more and more entranced with the blonde everyday,in truth it scared him but for silly reasons for example

"What if I one day just pop because of much emotion I have around her"

"Oh my saints am I melting ?!"

"Don't kiss her Don't kiss her Don't kiss her...(the next morning)...I regret nothing"

But all in all Levina Griffin kept him grounded but at the same time was his motivator,after a huge massacre of grisha in Shu Han a year ago he was a wreck and practically destroying himself...until he saw that he wasn't only loosing himself but her as well,she had started hanging around with a certain Rory Hart,a pathetic little boy as the darkling liked to call him but the matter of the fact was he was loosing her to that pathetic little boy and he'd be dammed if that were to happen.

In fact he despised the idea so much that he sent Rory off to first army and planned to sent him into the fold,of course Levina was upset but he quickly made it up to her by proving that he was still there for her and he was all she needed.

So there they were in his room,which was basically their bedroom as she barley slept in her's,it was more of a dressing room,her head on his chest and his hands caressing her hair and back.

The room even though every dark had a golden glow to it from the sun rise that morning,it shone in her eyes,his instinct was to pull her closer so that her eyes were in the shade but sun made her grey eyes glow up as he started,completely fascinated and infatuated with his Elektro-summoner
His Levina Griffin

Zoya yelled While they were training in the courtyard.

She responded unenthusiastically,bored of the jealous squaller already.

Zoya was 19 and when she was 17,had a physical relationship with the general but he called it off the second Levina came to the palace.
Not Levina's fault of course but Zoya could hardly pick on the general but little did she know that Kirigan was getting wind of her bullying from some of Levina's friends,who have had enough of Zoya.

All he did was sit up in one of the towers surrounding the court yard and wait for Zoya to do something.

"What do you want Zoya?"

"Just wondering when the Fjerdans are coming to get you back?"

"Aw Zoya,how kind of you-"Levina statement dripped in sarcasm "and when they come I'll be sure to tell them where to find you"

The darkling smirked and so did Feydor and Ivan who were with Levina while training,well actually to be specific,Ivan smirked and raised an eye brown at Zoya challenging her,as Feydor snorted.

But while they turned their back Zoya blasted a huge bast of wind towards Levina.She thrown into a wall making nose bleed and wrist pop out.She didn't cry but that was mainly because there were others in the court yard.

"You don't deserve everything you get Levina!,you've done nothing to earn it,you just get to walk in here and get everything we all worked for and-"

Her voice was getting wearier as Ivan and Feydor were slowing her heart more and more since she Hurt Levina.

The general appeared with Botkin and Kirigan hoped that she wasn't so hurt but when he saw her holding back tears,all sense of sanity went out the window.

Botkin and the General ran over to Zoya and dragged her up as Botkin yelled,Kirigan ran over to Levina and held her face,seeing as she failed to focus and was basically falling asleep.most likely to the bast to the head as she hit was wall.
He carried her bridal style as he yelled out
"Zoya! You are dismissed! Pack your things and leave for the second army camp!"

People often got offended when the general would sent them to second army camp,as it was known that the general loved his grisha and if you got send to that death trap it was the darkling throwing you in a hole and throwing away the key.

The general carried her to the infirmary where she was treated immediately and swiftly,within 1 hour she was practically better but for the darkling it was one of the longest hours ever.In those moments it reminded him why he could never send her into the fold,if she was to never come out,he couldn't live with himself.


"Oh my saints!"


"OBVIOUSLY,what bet did you lose?!"

"I-"Levina laughed due to Genya's antics "Zoya just threw me into a wall,no biggie"

"No biggie?!,come here"

Levina sat down and pulled genya onto her lap.her and Genya have always had a flirtatious relationship and Levina knew genya was sad when she got with Kirigan but she also knew that Genya was in love with David.

Genya was removing the small cuts on Levina face but also pretending to do it in some places so that should could just touch Levina's face.

They kept eyes contact until Levina spoke and genya blushed "your so pretty"

"Well I try"
She blushed and smiled

"How's David?"

The smile disappeared from Genya's face as she went to get up but Levina kept her down on her lap.

Genya sighed
"He still doesn't know I exist"

"Oh please,your genya Safin-"Genya was still in denial after what Levina just said until she continued and it make Genya blush even more and maybe a bit of hope "-you got my attention didn't you?"


Getting back to the room,Ivan and Feydor both hit her with pillows and she grabbed some cushions and hit them back,soon enough there were feathers everywhere and all their kefta's and hair was a mess.

"Guards what is that racket?!"
They heard Kirigan

Oh did I forget to mention,it was Kirigan's room!

They all froze and at once they dashed out of the room,through the corridors out into the courtyard,through the grounds,into the lake...





Hello People !
I hope you enjoy
Next chapter we will meet Alina and the deception will begin

Are you okay?
Have you drunk water?
Have you eaten?
Have you slept?
Have a Lovey day!

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