We're all someones monster

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Levina POV

We were waiting in the tent for the supposed sun summoner,I knew the plan,I didn't like it but I knew it.

If this truly was the sun summoner then Aleks would seduce her into basically becoming a puppet,to destroy the other side.

Though it didn't make this any easier.

She was brought in by the guards looking like a dear in the headlights,

"Bring her closer..."
They did

She moved forward one step
Saints we'll be here all bloody day.

"What are you?"

"...a map maker sir"

Everyone around us laughed
"What happened?"

This time zoya spoke up
Ugh gimmie a break
"We were attacked by volcra almost two markers in,smoke lit a lantern and then there was a searing burst of light"

Someone I didn't recognise yelled out

Aleks looked back at her
"Our map maker..."

He walked towards her and after a long 5 minute wait of her not complying he finally did test.
A bright light filled the tent and wen upwards it was incredible.

The moment though was cut short with her pulling her arm away and the guards dragging her out to the carriage.

Everyone else had left and soon it was just him and I.
I was tense I wasn't going to lie.A part of me hoped she would be uglier as to make it easier when he seduces her but alas she was extremely pretty.

Narrator POV

He could tell.

He could tell she was upset or anxious about him having to be with the sun summoner for a short period of time,he knew her fears and to him it was obvious,she was scared of betrayal.
She was betrayed by her little brother,
Betrayed by the father and not to mention being betrayed by her own country.

She was scared she was going to lose him to someone better,in Aleksander's mind that was no one.
He smiled a bit,flattered that she cares about him enough to fear losing him like he feared with her.

He walked over and lifted her onto his lap at his desk.
He held her face with one hand and had his other around her waist
"You know it's only you...right?"
She Simply nodded looking downwards
"Look at me,it's always been you,it is you,it always will be you.no one can compare.ever...understand?"

She gave a airy laugh as put an arm around his neck as both his arms moved around her waist,securing her there as there forwards pressed against each other.

Just him.
Just her.
Just them.

Relishing in the presence of one another.


Riding back to the little palace with Levina on a grey horse and Kirigan on a black one was going rather well ans calming,both just enjoying each other's company until they heard yelling and went back to check what the noise was.

Alina on the ground with a druskelle over her,with an axe.

They jumped of off their horses and Kirigan quickly summoner the cut,slicing the man in half but not before Levina heard "darkling" come from the druskelle's mouth before he was sliced into tiny pieces.

Krirgan went over to Alina and took her as they went on his horse and Levina on hers.

Except Alina failed to notice that her looks of attraction with the Elektro-summoner didn't go unnoticed by the general,who had the slight feeling that their plans would have to change and most of all he was going to hate it as his lover would love it.


"Can we pull over"
Alina asked

Kirigan demanded

"My tailbone is killing me"

When they finally pulled over,Alina took deep breathes and conversed with the general and Levina attended to her nails.

She heard the general call
She looked over to see him beckoning her to come closer.

He grabbed her arm and whispered in her ear.
"She is looking to you for comfort,change of plan"
Levina smiled seeing her lover unhappy with her now having to seduce Alina and took the opportunity to make him jealous.

She walked over to Alina,the sun summoner was sitting down on a branch next to them,so Levina sat next to her.

"How are feeling?"

Alina looked up searching for hope in Levina's eyes and as she found it,Alina felt her walls lowering.
She sighed and gave a laugh
"Out of my element"

"That is understandable"
Levina's Fjerdan accent truly sticking out,sounding like she was saying
'Dat iz' instead of 'that is'

"Your Fjerdan,you know I had a hunch,I just felt that I needed to be sure before I said anything about it but urm....your...I-I can hear your accent now so...I'm scared"

"I get it.you know when the other grisha and the general found me,I was nearly dead,being hunted and chased out of Fjerda and when I got to the little palace,I had no clue who I could trust.I was worried anything I did would provoke a fight"

Alina inquired,wanting to know more

"Oh yes...so I guess what I am trying to say is...if you ever need anyone to talk to-"Levina grabbed her girls hand "or to seek comfort in...that's me"

It was as if a weight was lifted of off Alina's shoulders as she agreed to go back to the horse as long as she rode with Levina.

Levina,not forgetting to send the darkling a wink before riding off and him trying to keep up with the girls.


When they finally got back Alina was sent to her suite that she would be staying in while Levina and Kirigan went back to their room,planning their next move.

Levina POV

I sat down on our bed look at Aleks with a smirk

"This is going to be fun"

He rudely rolled his eyes at my but then came towards me
"We are going to have to change our plan,clearly she is more interested is you then me so we will play to that"

"Haha,she like me not you"

With that his eyes got darker
"Oh yeah? And who do you like?"
He whispered in a low grumble,pulling me up by mu kefta and kissing me.

Soon enough keftas were being pulled of as I was lowered onto the bed.
him over me.

Honestly idk why it took so long to finish,I had like 5 mins left but I had just been busy.
So I'm about to write the new chapter so it might be out today
-Issy 💙

Have u drank water?
Have you eaten?
Did you have a good sleep?

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