isabela madrigal x fem!reader (part 1)

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yeah I got into Encanto, yes i love isabela

Your right fingers pick on the bass strings as your left hand moved across frets, calloused fingers pressing on the strings with ease. A small crowd gathers around as your band plays, and your sister is singing a cover of one of your favorite songs. In the crowd, you spot Isabela Madrigal, who you consider to be one of Encanto's most beautiful women. Yeah, you have small talk with her from time to time, but never something too personal. She dances with one of her cousins, and you smile as she spins around, her silky hair whipping behind her. You almost messed up the rhythm to the outro, but the crowd cheers anyway, you mostly pay attention to Isabela though, hoping she liked the music. You always found her pretty ever since you were younger, and her gift of chlorokinesis definitely fit her beautiful personality.

Your sister taps on your shoulder, "Ay Dios mio, if you don't want people to know you like her, don't be so obvious." Your face flushes and you grumble as you put your bass back into its case. You watch as the crowd lingers off, a few of them talking to your sister about how beautiful her voice was, and your eyes search for Isabela, hoping she didn't leave so soon. Your eyes spot her talking to someone else in the crowd, and your breath hitches as her eyes meet yours. She smiles and waves at you, and you quickly wave back. How you wish you could have the courage to talk to her, but you know it could never happen, her family was like royalty here.

So it was no surprise that Pepa and Felix Madrigal came to your dad asking for the band to play at their son's gift ceremony that was in three weeks. And your dad obviously agreed and told everyone how it was such an honor that the band was chosen to play. But for the band members, that meant more practice nights and more songs to learn. Your sister was the vocalist, but sometimes your brother, the percussionist, would sing along. Your cousins played the trumpets, and you played the bass. Your dad knew how to play all the instruments, but most of the time he would play el teclado. You loved your dad, but sometimes you hated playing with him since he always took every little mistake out of proportion.

And it didn't help when your sister lost her voice the night before the gig. Your dad paced back and forth as he kept complaining to whoever would listen, and you glance at your sister, who looks at him guiltily. You rest your hand on his shoulder, "Ay Papi, everything's gonna be fine, we can just find another singer." Your dad sighed, "Mija, your brother doesn't want to sing alone and I don't have that good of a voice!" You bit your lip, as much as you didn't want to volunteer, you couldn't watch another minute of your dad stressing out. "Then I'll sing." Your dad pauses, "Are you sure, Mija? I don't want you to do something that you don't want to do." You smile reassuringly, "It's okay, I know how much this means to you, and I need to be more comfortable singing." Your dad hugs you, "Gracias." You smile, 'the things I do for my family.

  Telling your dad that you could sing was easy, but now that it was time to go through it, you realize things are easier said than done. You forgot how big the Madrigal Family was to Encanto, and you were pretty sure that the whole village was here. Your brother whistles over to you, "Hey, don't you think the Madrigal women are pretty? I mean look at them!" You look towards Isabela, but she's not the Madrigal your brother is looking at, "I'd take Luisa out on a date any day." You chuckle, at least you both weren't chasing after the same girl. You watch Isabela talk to some villagers as you tune your bass, selfishly hoping that she doesn't dance with any of them tonight. Your dad walks over and taps his finger on his wrist, signaling that it's time to start playing. The microphone screeches a bit before you speak, "Buenas tardes! It's such a pleasure to be here to celebrate Antonio!" You gesture to the family, "And an honor to play for such a wonderful family."

You didn't choose to say that, but your father wanted to show them how happy he felt that they chose your band. You pick a few notes, "Now, who wants to dance?" The villagers cheer as your cousins play an intro to a beloved Colombian song, and you begin to think that maybe this night won't be so bad.

The night goes as well as your father would like, and the Madrigals enjoyed the music. Doña Alma liked your band so much, she asked your father if the band was willing to play at future occasions for the family, which your dad was really excited about. You glance over at Isabela while the adults talk and her eyes meet yours. You gulp, making you should talk to her, how else would you get to know her if you don't talk to her? You leave the chattering adults and make your way to Isabela, but her youngest sister, Mirabel, stopped you in her tracks. "Wow! Your voice was amazing! And you were singing while playing! How did you do that? How long does it take for you to learn a song? How-" Isabela grabs Mirabel by her shoulders, "Calm down, not only are your questions annoying, but they're also overwhelming." Mirabel pouts and rolls her eyes as Isabela shoos her away.

"Sorry about that, my sister can be really annoying." You chuckle, "That's alright, I know what it's like to have siblings." Isabela smiles, "But she was right about you having an amazing voice." You turn your head away from her, hoping she didn't notice how red your face got, "Thanks, but I just sang tonight because my sister couldn't." "Why don't you sing more often?" Isabela asks, her hand brushing on yours. "O-Oh..well, I usually don't feel comfortable singing, besides, my sister has a better singing voice than I do." Isabela gets close to your face, "Really? Because I think yours is more beautiful." You stare at her silently, unsure if you heard her right. Isabela's face flushes as she realizes what she said, "Uhm...anyway, I should probably get going." She pats your hand and winks, "I'll see you around."

You watch her walk away and it feels as if your heart was about to thump out of your chest. You couldn't believe the power she had over you, and that was that she just touched your hand. You sigh.

"Ay Isabela, no se porque siempre estoy pensando en ti."

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