mirabel madrigal x reader

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hi guys

Mirabel could handle being the only Madrigal without a gift, but she couldn't stand her family embarrassing her in front of you! She was never sure why, but whenever she brought you over, her sisters and cousins suddenly become comedians. Or they suddenly want to grab your attention by demonstrating their gifts to you.

They weren't the only ones either, her parents also seemed to embarrass her too! Her face always grows red whenever she thinks about the one time her mom showed you her toddler pictures.


"Here's my sweet little Mirabel when she was taking a bath." Julieta smiles proudly as she points at a picture of Mirabel covered with bubbles everywhere.

"Ama!" Mirabel whines, trying to cover the picture with her hand.

Augustin shoos her hand away, "Oh look! A picture of Isabela and Mirabel!"

"Aw..." It was a really cute picture of the two sisters embracing, you chuckle to yourself as it contrasts the sisters now since they're always bickering about something.

You look up at your girlfriend, "You're so cute! All hugging your sister and stuff." Mirabel groans, "This is the last time I'm ever leaving you alone with my parents."

She storms off as you continue scanning the scrapbook.

At least Abuela didn't go out of her way to embarrass her, that was the last thing she needed.

Her Tia Pepa and Tio Felix seemed to capture your attention too, their love for dancing spread to you like a disease.

Whenever a band would play, or just a minute of music would play, Tio Felix would grab Pepa's hand and they'd start dancing. They were always known for dancing all night, never taking any breaks. They'd always be the first ones to dance at a party. And Mirabel was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

You and Mirabel always got helados on Saturdays, since it was one of the days where she didn't have chores, so she could spend her day with you. But to her luck, the villagers from Nicaragua would play Marimba on Saturday afternoons. And Tio Felix and Tia Pepa loved the Marimba.

Mirabel was trying to sneak past them, but it was too late, Tio Felix was calling her name.

"Mirabel! Vente a bailar!"

Mirabel shakes her head, "No, it's okay Tio..."

He waves his hand for her to come over, "Nonsense! Ándale!" He spots you next to her, "And bring (Y/N) with you!"

Mirabel hesitantly brings you over, and Tia Pepa grabs your hand and spins you around, "Come on, don't be shy."

You smile sheepishly and start dancing with her, she danced fast-paced, so you struggled a bit to catch up with her. Mirabel glanced over at you, saddened that she couldn't spend her day with you as she hoped. And knowing her Tio and Tia, they could last the whole day dancing if they really wanted to.

Luckily, they only danced a handful of songs, but the helado stand was gone by the time you reached it. Mirabel sighs, "I was really looking forward for this..."

You kiss her cheek, "Don't worry about it, we can get some dulce instead." You hold her hand, "If we run, we might catch them before they close." Mirabel giggles as you drag her to the stand.

  That night when she went home, she figured her face showed her disappointment because Abuela called her when it was bedtime. Mirabel dragged her feet over to her, it was still difficult to talk about her feelings with Abuela, especially since the scar before the reconciliation was still fresh.

"Mija, estas bien?" Abuela whispers, running her fingers through Mirabel's curls. Mirabel sighs, "I don't know."

"What's wrong?" Mirabel twiddles with her fingers, "It's just, whenever I bring (Y/N) over, the others just...steal her away. It sounds silly, I know, but it's hard when your family is literally magical!" She smiles, "I sound dumb, don't I?"

Abuela shakes her head, "It's okay mija, I've been in love before too. I know what it's like to be jealous." Mirabel blushes, "I'm not...well, maybe I am."

Abuela laughs softly, "Don't worry mija, I'll make sure your sisters and cousins will leave the both of you alone."

"How will you do that?"

Abuela winks and squeezes her cheek, "I have my ways."

The next day, you and Mirabel agree on hanging out again, and Abuela kept up on her word.

The next day, Abuela proposes that the family spent a day at the river, so Antonio can talk to the fish (something he has been wanting to do) and so everyone can just have a relaxing day before the weekend ends. And of course, the family agreed, Dolores decided to stay, since she had a date with Mariano. Mirabel told her parents that she already had plans with you.

And before everyone left, Abuela smiles at Mirabel.

Mirabel smiles back.

At least Abuela gets it. :)

no abuela slander here

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