dolores madrigal x reader

875 36 2

it's a pretty short, but I personally liked it

and because i didn't know where else to go with it :,)

You whisper softly to Dolores as she takes deep breaths, holding your hands tightly. You glance at the cracks crawling down the ceiling, worried about how overwhelmed your girlfriend is about the uproar in the room. Pepa was reciting her mantra, while stroking her braid, Mariano was shouting in pain, clutching his broken nose, and Isabela was yelling at Mirabel.

"Clear skies! Clear skies! Clear skies!"

"Mami! Mi nariz! Mi nariz!"

"I hate you!"


Dolores' hands shoot up to her ears, her eyes clenched shut as she tries to drown out the sounds of the room. You notice the thunder cloud growing, it's small flashes of lightning becoming more consistent. You stand up, "Let's go outside, mi amor." Dolores nods and you quickly usher her out, making sure to avoid the lightning bolts striking on the ground.

Once you make it outside, she slowly pulls her hands down, "Thank you...I don't know how long I would've lasted in there." You watch as her lips tremble, she could probably still hear the arguments between her family. She was always emotionally sensitive, and hated whenever her family would argue with each other.

"Are you alright?" You ask carefully, noticing her scrunch her eyes. She tended to do that whenever she was about to cry.

"I think we should go on a walk."

She intertwines her fingers with yours, and the both of you walked around the plaza, giving Dolores time to focus on other sounds. Today was quite eventful, it started out with Dolores inviting you to Isabela's proposal dinner. Mirabel and Dolores started acting weird at first, and then Dolores started whispering to Camilo, and Camilo kept the game of "Telephone" going, until it reached Julieta. And before you knew it, everything went downhill.

"I feel like everything is my fault." Dolores sighs.

You kiss her hand, "Don't say that, you were just thinking about your family." She shakes her head, looking down at the ground dejectedly. "No...If I just kept quiet about Mirabel finding Tio Bruno's vision...this would've never happened." Her voice breaks, "My gift is a curse, isn't it?"

"Mi was bound to happen anyways. They were going to notice the cracks sooner or later." Dolores is still looking at the ground, her eyes watery. You reach out to caress her face, and you wipe her tears away. "You should never feel ashamed about your gift, nor should you let it." Dolores leans into your touch, and you must admit, you're the luckiest person in the world to be blessed with such a beautiful girlfriend. You give her a soft kiss, to which she eagerly returns.

"Do you think your family have stopped arguing?"

She puts her hand around her ear, "I think it's better if we stay here."

Yup, still fighting.

She then wraps her arms around your neck, "And if you kiss me more."

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