isabela madrigal x fem!reader

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still sick asf 😭😭😭

also, don't be shy to leave requests 😁

Isabela watches as you try to make a flower crown with jacarandas, but as much effort you put in, you just can't get it. She's been watching you try at it for at least forty minutes, when it takes her less than ten to make one.

She smiles at your attempt, "Why do you keep trying? It's not going to work, you've already bent the wire too much. Just let me help you." You wave her off, "Don't worry I got this."

You didn't.

You grumble under your breath as you keep trying to weave the flowers in, but the wire finally snaps.  You sigh as you let it fall from your hands, "I give up."

Isabela giggles, "Why did you want to make it so bad?"  You shrug, "I wanted to make it for you, I thought you'd look pretty with it. Besides...I heard that jacarandas represent good fortune!" Isabela playfully rolls her eyes, typical of you to be so considerate of her. She pretends that she doesn't care, but honestly, she appreciated it.

You fall back onto an endless pile of petals, "I think I should head home, I've been here all day." Isabela frowns, "I told you that you could stay for dinner."

"I know, but then mama is gonna get worried. I can stop by tomorrow if I have time."

Isabela pouts, she was really hoping that you would stay. "Alright, let me walk you out."

As she takes you outside, Camilo and Dolores snicker to themselves. Isabela raises a brow at them. She wonders if Camilo will pull a prank on her...his smirk says it all.

She hugs you goodbye, still wishing that you could've stayed longer. But she knows that you hate to make your parents worried.


During dinner, she thinks about you. She wonders what you're doing, and what you might be having for dinner. She tunes out the conversation the family is having, mindlessly stirring her spoon.

She wonders what your favorite food is.

"Isabela, estas bien? Casi ni tocaste la comida mija." Julieta calmly says, looking at her worryingly from across the table.

Isabela snaps out of her thoughts, "Sorry mami, I was just thinking..."

Camilo smirks, "I wonder about who..." Dolores giggles and Isabela rolls her eyes. Mirabel and Luisa look at each other with an all-knowing smile.


Isabela starts picking up the table as Dolores and Mirabel start cleaning the kitchen. As she stacks bowls, she overhears Mirabel and Dolores talking.

"So how's the hunk? Is he still trying to move fast?"

Dolores chuckles, "He actually learned to slow down. He's more romantic than I first thought, he surprised me with a date on the outskirts of town! He even told me that he wanted to take me somewhere quiet so my ears wouldn't get overwhelmed." Dolores' face blushes, "He's so considerate."

Isabela smiles to herself. She's happy that Dolores could finally have the man of her dreams, but she still can't help but feel a little jealous. Dolores and Mariano were obviously a good match, and it was evident that they cared for each other. But when will she get to have the one of her dreams? She's usually patient, but...she just wants to find the one soon.

She helps the two finish cleaning the kitchen and goes to her room.

She plops onto her bed, staring at the flowers on her ceiling. What would she like in a guy anyways? She's pretty picky when it comes down to it. She doesn't like it when guys try too hard to talk to her, she hates showoffs. She always found it annoying when guys tried to show off their strength for her, they never compared to her sister, and she didn't care about how strong someone could be. She also hated guys who had too much confidence in their game, the ones who thought they could win her over with a rose and a cheap pickup line.

She sighs. She knows she can be picky.

She just wants someone who likes her for her. Not someone only interested in her looks and name.

That's why you're the closest friend she has. She knew you for the longest time, and you never cared about her gift or made a big deal that she was of the familia Madrigal. You didn't care if she wasn't in her perfect persona either. If she ever needed to rant about something, you were there with your arms open and ready to listen. She smiles to herself as she thinks about the times she's laid her head on your lap, ranting about Mirabel or just about anything in particular, and you would play with her hair and listen.

She would never get that with a guy, he'd probably keep rambling, or he'd probably not notice her feelings.

Guys are loud, their voices boom loud enough to have the whole room looking at them. You spoke gently, your words soft enough for just her to hear.

Some of the men in the encanto roughly shook her hand whenever she greeted them. You hold her hands gently but embrace her tightly.

She sighs, if only guys could be like you, maybe she'd give one of them a chance, maybe she wouldn't be as picky with them.


Who said she had to be with a guy to be in love?

She can be with a girl too. She likes them better, she thinks they're cuter. She would easily choose a girl over a boy.

"Maybe I do like girls." She whispers to herself.

But she doesn't just want any girl.


The next morning, she waits by Dolores' door. She always tells Dolores about everything, even if her cousin has heard it first. But Isabela has barely come to terms with this, and her cousin should be the first to know.

"Dolores, I have something important to tell you."

Dolores nods, "What is it?" She already knows what she's going to say, but she'd rather hear it from Isabela herself.

"I think I like girls. But not just any girl...I think I like (Y/N)."

Dolores raises her brows, feigning surprise. "Wow...congratulations on being the last one to know."

Isabela gasps, "What? How would you guys know? I barely found out myself!"

Dolores shrugs, "You're like, really obvious. I've known for the longest time."

Isabela stands there, surprised.

Camilo and Mirabel walk up to the two, Camilo chuckling at Isabela's surprised face. "What's with her?"

Dolores smirks, "She finally realized that she likes (Y/N)."

Camilo bursts out laughing, "Really? Dude, you're like, extremely obvious. I'm surprised that you two don't secretly make out in your room."

Isabela rolls her eyes, "I hate you guys." She storms off, leaving her cousins and sister laughing.

Camilo turns to Mirabel, "Okay, now you owe me money." Mirabel rolls her eyes.

Camilo wags his finger, "We bet on it."

Mirabel sighs, reaching into her skirt pocket for any loose change, "I should've known Isabela would be the one to tell us first."

hope you guys liked it :)

please let me know if you have any constructive criticism :)


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