pepa madrigal x reader

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hey guys, updates may be a little slower :,)

i started working more hours and college work is starting to pile up :,)

hope you guys like this one :)

and don't be afraid to request :)

my PMs are always open :)

i was originally trying to make this a little
nsfw for a request, but I didn't think it would fit (also pepa is like teenish in here too so...) so it's a little short

i'll try again next time ;)

A drop of rain plops onto your arm, shortly followed by a slow stream of rain. You hear a rumble of thunder, and several villagers look up. It was lightly cloudy a moment ago, and the person next to you comments that the crops were watered a couple of days ago. You don't say anything, already knowing what the cause might be.

You hear another rumble, and the slow stream has now begun to pour. A bunch of kids start running home, and some street vendors quickly begin to pack their goods. They don't complain, they just quickly try to make their way home. You decide to head on home too, you figure it's best for Pepa to let her feelings out, you will try to find her later after she's calmer.


The sky clears about an hour later, with no clouds to be seen. Everyone goes back outside, not saying a word about the sudden weather change. The town has gotten used to it, they don't complain about Pepa's mood swings, as they are always grateful for the Madrigals. You find yourself grateful for them too, but more so your querida Pepa. She was the light of your life.

You decide to see if she's at your spot. It's a twenty-minute walk outside of town, so you're bound to meet her there, or at least on the way there.

What was the spot?

It's a small place near a pond that you and Pepa found on one of your walks. There was a tall tree that you could use for shade, and not a lot of people from town would walk that far out of town either. You and Pepa started going there more often and it wasn't too long before she settled it as "our spot". And whatever Pepa says, you obey.

Your legs ache a bit once you reach the spot, it's a bit of an uphill, so the trip isn't a very easygoing one. You find Pepa sitting by the tree, she was hugging her knees, staring gloomily into the pond. Your heart breaks when you notice her puffy face.

You softly step over to her, and she immediately looks up at you. You smile reassuringly as you sit next to her, "It's okay, I was just worried about you."

She rests her head on your shoulder, and she reaches for your hand, which you quickly let her hold. She's not ready to tell you what happened just yet, so you both decide to sit in silence. You watch the fish in the river swim around, and the breeze is just right.

"I got into an argument with my mom again." She breathes out. Her voice breaks just saying it, indicating that it was still hard for her to talk about it.

"You don't have to tell me if you're not ready, mi vida. No te preocupes." You press a kiss to her temple, and she wipes her tears. She doesn't say anything else.

You figure she just wanted some company today. Arguments with her mother, Alma, were always hard on her. Some days she tells you that she wants to be alone, and you quickly leave. Other days she wants to rant to you, and you listen. But rarely, when she wants to sit down to think things through, she'll be okay with you by her side.

Whatever she wants to do, you'll respect.

You know your lover is strong, she's constantly monitored for clouds by her mother whenever she gets upset. She has to force herself into a mood, depending on what type of weather the farmers need for their crops. She's quite a girl.

But even so, it's a heavy weight she carries on her back. And sometimes, she just needs you.

"I'm a wild thing, aren't I?" She sadly chuckles, she points out to a large branch that fell from a tree nearby.

You set your hand on her waist, pulling her closer to you. "Yeah, and all mine."

Pepa sighs and places her hand on your leg, "Thanks for coming here. I really appreciate it."

You kiss her cheek, "Anything for you. I just wanted to make sure my favorite girl was okay."

She raises her brow at you, "And what would've you done if I told you to leave?" She tries to smooth out your wrinkled pants with her hands. She hated it whenever you left your house with your clothes wrinkled.

"Then I would've left as soon as you told me to."

"And if I told you to come back?"

"Then I would've run back."

She scoffs and shakes her head, "You're down for me, aren't you?"

You shrug, "Can you blame me? When you look so gorgeous?" You noticed her face growing red, and you laugh softly as her blush spreads throughout her whole face.

She sighs, "Just kiss me already."

You press a soft kiss to her lips. "Is that good enough?"

She smiles, "Maybe one more."

You give her another kiss, this one a little longer than the last. "How about that?"

"Just what I needed."

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