Chapter 23

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Samyra's POV:

"Arjun, we both are young and pretty hot headed. When we fight, instead of one of us taking a step back, we fire with double power and I have come to realise that that's the reason we fight more. I never wanted to be married at 20. I mean I haven't even completed my graduation, yet here I am." I say with a bitter chuckle.

"It's not your fault that we fight. It's our fault that we do. Do you know Arjun, I have never been in any relationship? Not because I wasn't proposed, but because I always thought that boys my age are so commitment phobic and everything for them is just a time pass. I never wanted to be a time pass for anyone and always wanted to be with someone matured..."

"My marriage was a decision which I always thought I will be in-charge of, which obviously didn't happen. I didn't... We didn't really get any time to know each other. I think even at our first meeting, we subconsciously knew that we have to get married so we didn't make any efforts to get to know one another. But the past few months with you, I have realised that you are one of the best persons out there, Arjun and I do acknowledge the fact that I am lucky to have someone like you. That being said, it does not mean that you are the best choice out there for me or I am the best choice for you." I take a break to think how to really tell this to him, in a way that he understands.

"Are you thinking of divorce?"  Arjun asks.

Wait! What?

"Are you out of your mind? Why would you even think that?"

"Because this seems like one of those pre break-up speeches."

"Mr. Arjun Kapoor, if you even think of divorcing me, just know you would be lying dead somewhere on this planet where no one would even be able to trace you. Am I clear?" I ask him seriously, trying to get this through that thick brain of his.

"Yes!" I can hear him gulping.

"Good" I pat his head.

"So, lemme continue. We might not be best choices for each other in this world but Arjun, in my world we are the most perfect choice for each other. I don't know about you but I like my bickering sessions with you, I like goofing around with you, I hate fighting with you and I hate myself for making you feel all those things that you felt. I want you to know that you have freaking no reason to think that I will pick someone else over you, like ever unless you keep being this jackass who fights and shouts at me all the time. I didn't tell you about Anmol injuring me because I was worried you'll do something that will put you in trouble. I tease you using Harsh's name because I know you get irritated but that does not mean that I think of them as better humans, let alone better choices for me. Infact the level of creepiness that comes off from them is enough for me to not even look at their faces even if they are standing in front of me. And Arjun, if you remember I confessed that I like you too much, it was because I really do and not just random confession fired by your gesture. And surely I came today on Harsh's invite but I came here for you. I came here because you wanted me to be here and whenever I needed you, you were present before I even asked you and I wanted to do the same for you. Did you even realise that I needed a fake ID to enter the club seeing I am just 20 3/4? I took all the pain and effort for you and not that creep who I don't even know how he got my number. My sole reason for coming was to make you happy, not for us to fight and be sitting here doing this. And as for hiding our relationship, even you wanted the same when we initially met but if it bothered you this much, you should have told me instead of just keeping it inside yourself. We need to talk about things, Arjun or else this relation will not be able to thrive."

"We both are young and we are bound to be immature sometimes and act as per our ages but that should not be affecting our relationship like this. Our immaturity should make our relationship more fun and lively instead of taking it on the edge of us breaking apart. I hate fighting and I hate you raising your voice at me but more than that I hate the idea of you not being in my life. I might not have fallen for you yet Mr. Arjun Kapoor but I am sure on the path of falling for you. Thank you for supporting me and being with me for this long but we still have a pretty long way to be with each other, for each other and by each other." I finish looking ahead and leaning my head against his shoulder, waiting for him to grasp everything I said.

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