Chapter 27

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Samyra's POV:

It is Arjun's match today and I am nervous for some reason. I am obviously going to see the game and I can't help but regret not knowing Yash Bhai's girlfriend since I would have had a company if I knew her. I should have taken him up on his offer.

I literally know nothing about football and so, I simply sit at the place which is empty and from where the field is clearly visible but not so near to the ground that I might get hit with the ball or anything. I mean, I don't think you can get hit with the ball if you are on the bleachers during a football match but then again, I wouldn't wanna try my luck with it.

I wait for the two teams to come on the field and the game to begin. The hooting is enough for me to know when Arjun's team is winning, making me hoot and cheer with others. I can see Arjun looking for me in the mass of people as he looks around. On spotting me he gives me a flying kiss but again, the dumb girls cannot take the hint that it might be for one specific person and so while they dream about him, I pass him a glare which I am not sure if he saw.

The second half of the game is more like defense as the ball is passed from one player to another on Arjun's team and I realise that it is to waste the time of the other team as Arjun's team is already 3 points in lead.

The hooter goes off, making us all stand and shout our college moto loudly. I see many people jumping into the field to get close to the players while I decide to remain seated and move out once the rush slows down a bit. The players leave the field and are probably going to shower and change. I remain seated for sometime since the crowd hasn't really scattered yet. I feel my phone vibrate in my hand and look down to see Arjun's text.

Where are you? -Arjun

Still on the bleachers... Too crowded. -Samyra

I shoot him a quick text and stand up seeing the path clearer than earlier.

Come to the parking, waiting for you there. -Arjun

I make my way towards the parking and try looking for Arjun. I suddenly feel a hand over my shoulder making me jump and shriek loudly.

I turn around to see Harsh standing behind me. Why can't this person ever keep his hands to himself!

"Sorry didn't mean to startle you."

"No problem." I say before turning and looking for Arjun again.

"Don't you wanna say congratulations to me?" Harsh says from behind me.

"Huh?" I say turning towards him confused but still trying to look for Arjun.

"We won the match!" He says a bit enthusiastically.

"Oh yeah, congratulations!" I say normally. I suddenly feel myself getting tucked under someone and their arm coming around my neck. It takes me a second to recongnise the familiar cologne. I turn around and hug Arjun tightly.

"Congratulations! I am so proud of you." I say moving back a bit, a broad smile covering both of our faces.

"Well, thank you. I aim to make you proud." He says pecking my forehead.

"Where is Yash Bhai?"

"Well, we are going on dinner with him. He will meet us in the restaurant directly."

"Oh, are you guys going to celebrate?" I hear Harsh speak and realise he indeed hasn't left but decided to hover around.

"It is more like double date, you can say, rather than a celebration." Arjun says clearly not wanting to invite him with us.

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