6.3: Rory's Arrival

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I'm skipping to season 6 now, because this idea won't leave me alone. I came up with an idea on how Rory comes in when Lucifer isn't with Chloe, and then one thing led to another and that led to not getting any peace.

God is still in the universe and Dan is not dead because Nyxeus would throw a fit if he died and that's not fun for anybody.

Kalixi was confused. Confused and rather scared.

There was something wrong with the universe. It wasn't how it should be. There were tall structures of metal and strange moving structures racing along black pathways. The easiest thing to see however, was the strange creatures that seemed to have replaced dragons in populating the universe.

They had no scales or claws or wings. They walked upright and wore strange things. They were everywhere. Kalixi had read about celestials in the palace library, but they weren't real. The closest to real they could get was the celestial form that only three dragons had; herself, her father and her aunt, and they never had use for that form.

Now, however, Kalixi found herself thankful for it, as it allowed her to blend in. Her shimmering blue scales had disappeared and black hair now hung around her face. She didn't dare look at any reflective surface to see more. It was awkward, walking on two legs with no tail to balance himself, but she managed to adjust rather quickly.

That didn't solve the problem of what had happened to the universe. Her father had made her promise to never abuse her magic, to only read or possess the minds of others with good, justifiable reason. Kalixi decided that finding someone familiar counted as a good reason.

She flew above the gigantic village, stretching her magic out in hopes of finding someone she could go to. With no idea of what happened, she had no idea how many dragons were left.

To her relief, it didn't take long to find someone. Her aunt was in her second form too, pale and lean but still dangerous, and talking with one of the strange creatures, this one tall and dark, like her opposite. This one felt different though, there was power to the creature.

Kalixi landed in the shelter next to her aunt. It was a cozy place, warm and homey. Nothing like a home she'd ever seen.

*Auntie,* she said, *What's going on?*

When La'Rayel's eyes narrowed at her, Kalixi knew things were more wrong than she thought. The universe was all wrong and it was scaring her. Still, it was her aunt, so she didn't try to guard herself as she felt La'Rayel's magic searching her memories.

She said something, a weird language Kalixi didn't understand or even know existed. When she only looked lost, La'Rayel smiled apologetically.

*I said, you are different,* she explained. *Different and seemingly from another universe.*

Kalixi felt her stomach drop. Another universe? It made sense. Other universes existed, she knew that. The universe wasn't broken; she was in the wrong one. She had no idea how to get back either. How to go home.

She shook her head, backing away. *I shouldn't have come...*

*Hold on,* La'Rayel said, grabbing her forearm as she made to fly away. *I don't know you, but you know me. You can trust me. We'll go find Nyxeus and we'll figure this out.*

*Dad's here too?* Kalixi asked quietly, desperately wanting someone who knew her.

La'Rayel nodded. *Yes. We'll get you home, dragonet. I'm going to ask my friend here to get his father. We need the elder of his kind.*

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