48. The Brightest Night

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"Come on, Luci, we're going to be late!"

"It's not my fault you decided to fuck me only a few hours before it starts!"

"I didn't see you complaining! And you were taunting me! You couldn't tone down your sexy!"

Lucifer rolls his eyes, quickly drying his hair as he steps out of the shower. He dresses quickly, the elegant black robes like something from a fantasy movie. Trimmed in gold, the silky fabric falls to his shins and while it's not tight, there's no excess amount of fabric to hang off his frame and pool at his feet. A deep-red sash is around his waist, a matching red cape resting around his shoulders and held together with a golden clasp.

"You spoil me, you really do," Lucifer states as he walks out of the bathroom to see his lover lying on the bed. "I mean look at me, these robes are meant for a god like you."

The draxon stands up when the devil walks in. Nyx, in his human form, is wearing a set of battle gear, definitely not something to be dressed in when attending such a party.

"You deserve the best, my love," Nyx replies, walking over to wrap his arms around the devil. "Besides, you spoil me on Earth."

Lucifer grins, "I do. So let's agree, you spoil me divinely, I spoil you mortally."

"As long as you take me to that place called Hawaii. It sounds like the perfect place for us to visit. And the volcanoes sound like a lovely place for a swim."

"I'm not immune to lava the way you are, love," Lucifer deadpans.

"No, but you can withstand it for a while, so you can join me for a bit."

Lucifer rolls his eyes. Nyx grins, leaning in to place a kiss on the tip of the devil's nose. When he goes to pull back, Lucifer pulls him close again and kisses him passionately, their tongues dancing slowly.

"If you're going to show your love, do it properly," Lucifer says when they pull away. "Now, on to the question of why you're wearing what you're wearing."

Nyx looks down at himself before shrugging sheepishly, "I just have this feeling that La'rayel is going to attack tonight, so this is in case I shift into this form for whatever reason. Human skin is much easier to harm than dragon scales after all."

The draxon takes a step back and shifts into his true form, this form dressed more appropriately for the celebration of the brightest night to take place. Strings of white diamonds shaped like stars decorate his horns and his wings. A silver band rests around his bicep, the band decorated with orange fire opals embedded in a swirling pattern and matching rings shine on his talons.

Lucifer smiles, admiring his lover's form. "You know you don't really need all of this. You're already beautiful, love."

*And yet if I said the same to you, it would be seen as indecent and inappropriate.*

"Different forms have different standards, darling."

*It's weird.*

"It's the way the universe works. Would you really want others to see me naked?"

Lucifer laughs when Nyx growls. The devil leans forward, placing a kiss on the draxon's nose. Nyx pulls Lucifer back when he goes to step away, the draxon pressing his forehead against the devil's. Both divines close their eyes, a purr rumbling in Nyx's chest.

*If you're going to show your love, do it properly,* Nyx says, throwing Lucifer's earlier words back at him.

Lucifer laughs again, his hands reaching up to cup the draxon's cheeks and stroke his smooth scales. One of Nyx's front legs reaches up to wrap around Lucifer's waist, pulling him closer. The two stay like that for a long moment, Nyx now rubbing his cheek over the devil's forehead and cheek as a way to scent-mark what's his.

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