59. Sinful Souls

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"That was exciting, wasn't it?"

Pete rolls his eyes. "Yeah, it was."

"She made quite a mess. Did any get on you?"

"No, I don't think so. Can you clean me off just in case?"

Nyx nods, his magic washing over the man and vanishing the dirt present in his clothes.

Pete smiles. "Thanks."

"Of course. Same time next week?"

"I'm thinking I'll lay low for a while now. Let this one settle first before going after more."

Nyx pouts a bit but nods. "Fine... I should be getting home anyway."

"Me too. More planning and all. I'll let you know when I'm ready again."

The draxon nods before walking out of the house and disappearing.

"I should have just listened to myself and to you."

"No, I— Hold on, do you hear something?"

Lucifer's brows furrow at the question but he falls silent. He listens carefully, eyes sweeping through the penthouse.

"It sounds like crying," Chloe whispers. "Lucifer... Where's Nyxeus?"

Finding the source of the sound, Lucifer's eyes widen. "Right there."

The draxon whimpers quietly, curled up in the corner of the living room. Lucifer walks closer, his brows furrowed, Chloe right behind him. Seeing the two approaching, Nyx whimpers again, pushing himself further back against the wall.

"Nyxeus," Lucifer whispers, his eyes finding the splatters of red on his lover's clothes and his bloody hands. "Why are you covered in blood?"

The draxon shakes his head frantically, his eyes wide and his hands clamped over his ears as if to block out the devil's voice. Tear tracks disrupt the blood splatter on his cheeks, his hair knotted with the crimson fluid. His breaths are fast as his eyes dart around the room, his knees drawn up tight against his chest.

"Nyxeus," Lucifer says again.

"I didn't mean to Luci!" Nyx wails. "They just kept talking and I got angry and it just happened!"

"What happened, love?"

Lucifer kneels next to his lover, ignoring the blood as he pulls the draxon to his chest, his arms wrapping tightly around the crying draconian. Nyx whimpers some more, hiding his face in the crook of Lucifer's neck, his hands desperately grasping at the devil's clothes to pull said devil close.

"I was walking back here and these two people came up to me and started going on about having long hair is wrong for a male and that I must be gay and that I'm going to hell and I was going to keep going, Luci, I swear! But then they said I must be evil like the devil so I asked what they meant and they started ranting about how the devil is evil and horrible and all these mean things and I just snapped!

"And you said not to kill but I did, Luci! They were being horrible and I killed them and I didn't even like it! It felt bad and wrong and I didn't like it but I couldn't stop because they said you were bad, Luci!"

Lucifer sighs softly. "Where, darling? Where did you leave the bodies?"

"I got rid of them." The draxon's voice is softer now as Lucifer gently strokes his cheek, his hair too knotted to comb through as usually done. "I don't know where they are, where my magic sends them, but they're gone."

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