38. Protecting & Saving

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*The attacks seem to be getting worse.*

*We can't keep this up forever. We're starting to tire.*

*What do we do, Nyxeus?*

The king paces the floor of his throne room, tail swishing in aggravation. Jinx, Vortex and Qietiye watch him silently.

*We need to figure out what they're after,* Nyx hisses.

"Well, there are a lot of things the Dragonlands have that Hell doesn't," Lucifer suggests from his position lounging on the throne. "Fresh air, warm sunlight, non-ashy environment—well, except for the fire dragon regions—laughter, and great alcohol. That one still confuses me, why do dragons make alcohol anyway?"

*We enjoy it like you do,* Vortex replies. *And your celestial stuff wasn't strong enough for us, so we created our own.*

"And I'm glad you did because it's amazing."

Nyx rolls his eyes. *You better head back to Earth, Luci. I'm sure there's a case that needs solving.*

"And you?"

*I'll be staying here for the day.*

"Then I'm staying with you."


"I may not be as strong or powerful as you or the dragons, but I'm still a king of this realm. I'm staying."

Nyx smiles softly and nods, *Very well, my king.*

"I never expected you to be one to cover your face at such a party, my love."

Lucifer turns, a smile coming to his lips seeing the draxon next to him. He's dressed in an elegant black suit, his long hair down and resting on his shoulders. A beautiful black mask covers the top half of his face and dips down on one side to cover part of his cheek. A plume of black and silver feathers sprouts from this same side while silver decals form a crown on the top edge of the mask and thin silver lines swirl around the rest of the surface.

"I was wondering when you would show up," Lucifer replies. "You stayed down there for longer than I expected when I left."

"I thought I would stay for only a few hours more," Nyx says, "But another attack had me staying longer. Tell me, what's going on here? And why are you dressed as such?"

Lucifer hesitates, "I..."

Nyx's brows furrow. He looks into the devil's mind, going through his memories of the day.

"Luci..." Nyx whispers. The devil looks away, remaining silent. Nyx grasps Lucifer's gloved hand, squeezing tightly, "You know I'll never be disgusted, Luci. I'm going to stay with you forever. I'm going to help you through this."

Lucifer nods with a shaky breath. He looks around the club, searching for Chloe. So far, it seems like the sting has been useless.

Luci. Luci, help me.

The devil's gaze returns to his lover, his eyes narrowing as he sees what's going on. The draxon is looking at him pleadingly over the woman's shoulder as she invades his personal space.

Lucifer steps around her to stand at Nyx's side. "Sorry, Darling, but he's not available."

"Are you sure?" the woman says with a pout, "I don't mind a threesome..."

"I'm sure," Lucifer says with a scowl behind his mask. "He's off limits."

With a disappointed sigh, the woman walks off, disappearing into the crowd.

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