35. For my Sanity's Sake

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"Why let Eve return to Earth?" Nyx asks.

God shrugs, "She's been here for eons, and yet she doesn't truly know who she is. She wasn't going to discover it here, so I gave her a way out without letting her know I knew."

"You really think being back on Earth will help her find herself?"

"Do you not agree it takes conflict and hardships for one to discover who they are?"

Nyx nods. "And the paradise of Heaven will never provide the hardships needed. Adam's alright with this?"

"He's enjoying himself here and doesn't seem to have noticed." God takes a sip of his tea. "I heard you've been having a problem with demons."

"Indeed," Nyx replies. "They're planning something, that much I know. Attacking my realm four or five times a week and retreating almost immediately..."

"It's as if they're testing the strength of the dragons," God muses.

Nyx's eyes widen. "You're right... So they've got to be planning something big... Oh, it's times like this I wish I had my mind manipulation ability."

God hums. "You regret murdering those people, correct?"

"Of course. Well, not the two after Luci, but all the others, yes."

"Well, regret is one of the steps needed to regain your power. As is forgiving yourself."

"I know," Nyx says with a heavy sigh. "Forgiveness is never easy, but I know I need to, and I want to."

God smiles. "Then I would say you're on the right path. Just know I'm not at all upset about your harm of my creations."

Nyx gives him a nod and a soft smile. "I assumed so, but it's nice to hear confirmation."

The two fall into a long silence, one unsure to say what he wants to, and the other waiting for the first to decide.

"You're very good at this silent urging thing," God says eventually with a sigh.

"I am," Nyx replies. "I want to hear what seems to be troubling you."

God sighs again. "Fine... I just... I want you to know that I'm incredibly sorry, for trying to use you all those eons ago."

Nyx blinks, caught off guard. "Oh?"

"I was young and foolish," God continues. "It's no excuse, I know, but I do regret those actions... Just as I regret being so harsh on Lucifer..."

"Why don't you ever tell him and the angels that neither you nor I control fate?" Nyx asks. "It may help the whole estranged relationship thing you have going."

"Lucifer would never believe it if I told him," God replies. "You know how he is. Stubborn as I once was."


God smiles a bit. "If you need any help with the demons, I would be happy to assist."

"Really?" Nyx asks, raising an eyebrow. "You, deciding to stop lounging around for the first time in centuries, to help me?"

"Despite how our relationship has been, Nyxeus, I do still care about you and the dragons. You are a part of this universe and a very large part at that. While you may doubt, I am willing to join you in this fight against the demons of Hell."

Nyx studies him for a few seconds then nods. "Alright. I believe we will manage, but if needed I will send for your help... About this coming child of Amenadiel's, what do you think?"

"I believe it will be incredibly interesting watching the child grow up. The first celestial child, it's exciting."

"For you, maybe," Nyx replies. "For me, it's interesting, yes, but I've seen thousands of dragonets, so the idea of a child is not as foreign."

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