49. The Battle of the Moon & Sun (Reprise)

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*You will not fly away from this, La'rayel!*

*If I have it my way, it will be you who doesn't leave!*

Nyx's eyes remain locked on the ghostly scene, his ears giving the occasional nervous twitch.

*She has psychometry,* Kirillion says softly, *She can see and show the history of an object, person or place.*

"You looked so young," Lucifer says, turning to see his lover frozen in place. "Nyxeus."

*Luci...* Nyx pulls his gaze from the ghostly scene to look at the devil, his eyes wide and nervous. *Luci, I'm scared. I don't want to face her again. Not again.*

The devil places a hand on the draxon's nose, the other hand cupping his cheek as Lucifer presses his forehead to Nyx's in an effort to comfort him. "I know, love, I know, but you don't have a choice. She'll go after the dragons if you don't do something."

*How cute... True soulmates. How lucky you are, brother.*

Nyx's eyes widen as he sees the white dragon landing at the end of the stage and the image overhead disappears. La'rayel's white scales appear to glow in the soft lights lining the edge of the stage, her pale blue eyes glowing brightly as she steps closer. Nyx takes a step back, eyeing the ice dragon with nervous caution.

*Shh, no need to fear, brother mine,* La'rayel hisses gently as if concerned. *All I need to do is send both of you back to the creator... Oh, silly me. I've forgotten, you won't be returning to the creator, brother. No, I need you alive to keep myself alive, so you will be going back to that nice little room in Hell you've made home. Don't worry, I fly you back after I get rid of this fallen angel of yours.*

With a growl, La'rayel lunges towards the devil, talons outstretched. Nyx hisses, his eyes flaring orange in anger as his nervousness is shoved aside at the idea of Lucifer hurt. Lips pulled back in a snarl, he lunges forward and collides with his sister in a flurry of scales, black and orange against white and pale blue. The five firsts all leap forward to help while Lucifer bites the inside of his cheek anxiously as he steps back, knowing he has little to no chance in a dragon fight.

Instead, the devil turns his attention to making sure the dragons and the three humans fare fine. The scaled creatures have all given the stage a wide open clearing yet all remain watching the writhing mess of growls and snarls in front of them. Chloe, Dan and Ella are at the edge of the crowd, Teiterin, Vortex and Qietiye with them.

A bolt of ice shoots through the air, accompanied by a burst of fire. The flames melt the ice bolt before it can reach the watching dragons.

*You will not hurt my dragons or my friends, sister,* Nyx hisses, wings flared.

La'rayel laughs coldly, *You have spent millenia alive, brother. It's my turn.*

She shoots up into the air, Nyx following after her. Jinx, Hex and Nebula fly around the two, Dexius and Kirillion watching from the ground.

A spark crackles between Nyx's teeth and ignites the gas he'd breathed, an explosion of fire spreading through the air. The king flies through the blast, colliding with the queen and sending both of them tumbling through the air.

*You used demons to attack us,* Nyx hisses furiously, the glow of his eyes casting orange light over La'rayel's scales, *You caused us many grievances. You hurt and killed our dragonets.*

*And I brought those demons out of Hell,* the queen adds with a sweet smile. The smile drops a second later, a scowl crossing her face instead, *They were meant to kill everyone and capture you, not kill you. I was there yes, but I didn't think they would be so stupid as to do what they did.*

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