27. A Warm Welcome

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*You've been doing great,* Vortex says, flying next to Nyx.

The two dragons fly over the trees on the daily patrol of the realm.

*Really?* Nyx asks, tilting his head as they reach the edge of the forest.

Votex nods, *Yes. You've made a lot of progress.*

Nyx smiles before pausing, *That's here though. I don't know if I can stay the same on Earth.*

*You'll learn.*

The two dragons soar higher to where most of the sky dragons spend their time. A few give greeting nods as the two fly by, the nods being returned.

*I don't want to go back to Luci till I can be sure I'm fine,* Nyx says softly.

*Then go somewhere else on Earth, learn to be around humans,* Vortex replies.

*Well, I have been wanting to explore the history of Earth and everything that happened while I was locked up...*

Vortex nods, *Yes it's quite interesting.*

*That reminds me,* Nyx muses as they reach the ocean. *What made the dragons decide to retreat and remain in the realm? Earth was created so we could live there too.*

*The humans began to fear us,* Vortex replies softly. *We are much more powerful than them. And what humans fear, they will begin to hate. Peace disappeared, so we decided we would stay away.*

Nyx frowns, *The angels did nothing?*

*They tried to. Nothing worked.*

Nyx's frown deepens. *Maybe I'll expand the realm again soon. Something tells me we'll need the room and the adventure of new exploration.*

Vortex nods, *Sounds like a good idea.*

Nyx looks down at the spout of water that erupts from below them. A smile crosses his lips, seeing a pod of water dragons swimming below them, their huge shapes distorted by the water. Another spout of water shoots up and Nyx lets out a burst of fire in response. A happy squeal is heard, like the sound of a whale.

Nyx and Vortex fly lower, their claws trailing across the top of the water.

*Is there much of a difference between fire and acid?* Vortex asks suddenly, his head tilting in curiosity.

Nyx looks at the acid-spitting dragon. *Fire tickles the throat a bit,* he replies. The dragon king is able to both breathe fire and spit acid, as well as breathe a flammable gas. *Acid you spit, fire you just exhale.*

The two arrive back at Nyx's palace. Their talons have barely touched the floor when a sharp pain shoots through Nyx's wings.

A furious hiss escapes him, his eyes flashing. *Who dares...?*

Nyx looks through his bond with the devil, searching for the one who dares hurt his lover. Finding a mind he doesn't know, Nyx sends his magic in, taking over.

*Vortex?* Nyx asks, *Go find Jinx for me please. I have a job he's sure to enjoy.*

As the dark blue dragon disappears, Nyx lies on his throne before closing his eyes. He sends his mind into the stranger's body, taking control and letting the man watch as his body is possessed.

A pained shout escapes Lucifer's lips as countless bullets embed themselves in his wings. His anger is strong and burning as he wishes Chloe wasn't there, or at least didn't make him vulnerable.

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