8- The Mistletoe

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Enjoy! :)


"Holy shit, we got an invitation."

"What?" I blurt, whipping my head to turn to everybody. Kylie looks up at me with bright eyes.

"We were invited to a Christmas party. Uhm, Nicole is hosting it at her aunts house." She says, reading it over carefully on Instagram. My eyes widen in surprise as I take out my phone just to see the exact same invitation from her. Cali, Ashton, Luke and, Willow all have the same invitations as well. Although Luke doesn't bother. He only stares at it before swiping out and ignoring it.


"Should we go?" Cali asks us, taking a quick glance between the group. Before I can say a word, a lemon and cocoa butter scent fills my nose and I scrunch my face in confusion. Suddenly, a thick black curl falls onto my shoulder.

"Holy cow, what-" I exclaim as I jump in shock, turning around. A girl stands behind me with an innocent look on her face. She had a fluffy Afro and god, it was pretty. She had a small amount of lipstick and mascara and her eyes were a pretty brown.

"I'm going to that party too." She says, smiling and tilting her head. I raise a brown in confusion.

"Do we know you?" Luke asks her, frowning. I give him a glare, telling him to shut it.

"Virginia," She answers, smiling at me while still continuing to cock her head to the side. How have I never seen her around school before?

"Isn't that a ladies-" Luke starts but Willow slaps his mouth with his hand, muffling Luke as he struggles to push Willow's hand away. Virginia seemed super sweet and kind. She was very pretty and looked and acted like a nice girl so I smiled at her.

"I guess we'll see you then?" I say, nodding my head towards her. Her eyes brighten, looking me straight in my eyes.

"See you." Are her final words before she turns her back and walks in the other direction, going to who knows where. Now we're all walking down the block, turning to clothing shops and food stores, trying out every small treat and everything in our way. We did end up buying some clothes for all of us and we still had so much fun. I admit, it was fun to hang with all of them, especially dealing with the fact of school, and the project. Suddenly, my eyes widen as I stop in my tracks.

"Oh my god, Ashton, the project!" I practically yell, slapping my hands over my cheeks as everyone turns to look at me. Ashton raises a brow at me, confused and suddenly smirks in satisfaction. He walks over to me and I start to hyperventilate as his scent reaches my nose. My face changes color to red as I blush profusely.

When he's close to me so nobody can hear us, he leans down over to my ears and whispers softly into it.

"Let's forget about that for today, yeah?" He says softly before getting back up and looking around just to walk back to the group. The top of my ears turn red as I almost scream in embarrassment. Cali runs up to me, grabbing my wrist and pulling me back to everyone else, smiling widely.

"Go get your man, girl!" She whispers, excitement in her voice. Her hold on my wrist is still there as we all walk to a hotel a few blocks down the street.

Checking in wasn't that hard, except for the fact that there's six of us so we had to have three different rooms. On the good side, our rooms were super close to each other so if we wanted to change or do something else that included all of us, we could just walk over and it wouldn't be long.

Cali, Willow and Kylie took the elevator to the rooms as me, Luke and, Ashton decided to lag behind a bit.

"I'm so hungry, can we get like a few snacks at the vending machine or something?" Luke finally says, pointing at the vending machines a few feet away with his phone still in his hold like it costs his life. I sigh loudly, throwing my head back in defeat.

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