Secret admirer; Loudest love

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You've got my mind inebriated. 

With feelings that I'm not even sure are reciprocated.

Should I profess them? The question has been many times debated.

In a loop on my mind. Like a tape that's been used and abused, it just starts to unwind.

Maybe on day I'll find the perfect time, and I'll say all the right things that'll make you be mine.

I'll gather up the courage. We will plant the seed of our future, and through trials and tribulations, it'll be nourished.

We'll continue to work hard as we watch it flourish.

We'll be naked and I don't mean unclothed.

I mean we'll be transparent and all of our truths will be exposed.

Every scars back story will be out in the open.

Instead of touching me physically it'll be my mind that you're groping.

We won't judge one another- leaving that to God. 

We can drop our guards now - no longer a need for a facade.

No weapon formed against us shall ever proser. 

Your love will  teach me how trust can be fostered.

Together we we will chip away at our fears and insecurities, piece by piece.

Throwing down the barriers, so it's in the middle we can meet.

Every problem we face will have a solution. 

We'll never get caught up in anyone else's hype and let it cause us confusion.

In a time full of division, it'll be love that wer'e choosing. Follow our own rules, write our own constitution.

I'll be your crutches when life's worn you down to the bone.

Walking tall together into all of the worlds unknown's.

I wish I could atone for all of your sins so you never had to suffer.

You'll never again have to be alone.

Neither will I.

From the day we enter the grave; Till heavens doors in the sky.

Anyway for now I'll just admire you from a far.

One day hopefully I'll let you know how truly loved you are.

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