My Sisters Keeper

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You've been gone so long now.

Not a single day goes by without thoughts of you on my mind.

I walk around and watch in pure envy as I see sisters interact. 

Dying at the fact that  I can't  have mine back.

It's been so difficult transitioning to adulthood without you and your guidance.

You were the one I would always confide in.

Nothing could fill the spot in my heart you reside in.

Because you are my whole entire heart - now its broken apart.

You called me the love of your life, and its a feeling ill never ever forget

Not dropping out of uni to take care of you is still my biggest regret.

I was only 16, I didn't know what to do.

I  would gladly throw it all away to spend one more moment with you.

I still remember the last conversation we had, although I was the only one talking while you listened to my voice.

I can never forget that dreadful morning I got the news , I still relive the pain everyday.

It strong enough to the point that I still can't even utter your name.

It even makes me flinch when someone else says it around me, or mistakenly calls me by your name.

Which happens often because there's only one letter separating our names, but inseparable when we're together. 

We've endured so much stormy weather.

Till this day no one could make me laugh like you did.

I love the fact that you were always honest with me and didn't treat me like a kid.

You were and always will be my best-est  friend. 

We are one and the same.

All that I am is because of you.

I have your sense of humor, your tomboyish nature, your taste in music, movies, and books.

I am your virtues, your principles, and your ideologies.

Your essence embodies me.

But, you're still everything that I could ever hope to be.

There will truly never be another on earth like you. 

I'm still mimicking everything you use to do.

You still influence all my decisions and actions.

Constantly trying to consider what would be your reaction.

I hate the fact that I even have to wonder.

I wish you weren't six feet under.

Rather in my embrace once again, giving me that irrevocable, unconditional love.

 I hope you can still feel my love, and hear my thoughts and prayers for you  in the  heavens up above.

The first love of my life. 

REST IN POWER AND PEACE  until we finally reunite.

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