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What were to happen if I were given a second chance on this earth? If I was to back step from the light back into the abyss, and return to exist.

Would I be reborn? Not in the sense of being birthed again, but would I lead the same life of sin? Would I still harbor all the pain from the past life that I kept buried within.

My intention for my second chance would be to be more open and more outspoken. I lead a shy life with passive aggressive tendencies.

Isolated myself from many of those around me.

As the depression and darkness surrounded me.

I would be better with communication.

Pick up and call my loved ones with no hesitation.

Insert myself deeper into society and be a member of my community.

All the possibilities if I just seize the opportunity.

Instead of going through life and treating it with such impunity.

Collection Of Eclectic Poems  From An Introverted Mind.Where stories live. Discover now