Legacy After Death

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Im dead. 

Im gone. 

Im not coming back. 

No matter how hard you continue to shake me. It's an inevitable fact.

I've perished.

 I only hope the life I lived was cherished.

 I hope I wasn't running wild in this world, acting careless

I pray that I never caused my parents too much distress 

That I led a life more valuable than anything I ever possessed

 That my love one's rejoice in the memory of who I was. That the life that I led makes me eligible for the heavens up above.

Remembered for a legacy of spreading love and brining peace wherever the journey of life took me. That I traveled this bountiful earth God created and took in all there was to see.

I hope I fed more than the stomachs of the deprived and those in need

 God willing, there was never a time I surrendered to the act of greed. I hope that I was the change I wanted to see in the world. That the teachings of Ghandi that I held so dear, made the world's kindness and love unfurl.

 I hope I left no I love you unsaid, or emotion unknown. That in my presence the ones I adored never felt that they were alone. 

Please tell me I left no disdain in anyones soul. Instead, known for having a white heart and not one the color of coal. 

I hope when you utter my name, it brings you no pain, but rather leads your lips to part in a smile.

But please, stop shaking my lifeless body.

You're clearly in denial. There's no chance of revival. The angel of death has come for me. 

Take comfort in knowing I was all I ever hoped to be.

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