Friends & Family

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Where would I even begin to explain the value of friends and family, the only ones who truly understand me.

My protectors, role models, confidants, enforcers, and uplifters.

A connection that couldn't feel more Godly, even if it were written in scripture.

You've been there to hold my spine up straight in the times where I was beaten down.

You hold me accountable.

The ones who truly support me through all of life trials and tribulations.

The ones I run to in refuge from the worlds horrid ways.

You remain consistent through the sunshine and the stormy days.

For that you deserve all the praise.

The loyalty to the blood in our veins or the vows we took to be in each other lives forever. 

I know with those in my life that I hold dear, Ill always survive every endeavor.

They've allowed me to be my truest self, the person I am when im all alone.

Not yes men, but people who correct me when I display behavior I wouldn't normally condone.

Compassionate enough to convey to me the divine ways of patience and understanding.  All the times I chose the wrong path or was too blinded by life,  and everything seemed beyond my comprehension.

I can lean on them - the roots from which I stem.

The group with which I can wipe off my clown make up and no longer need to pretend.

Ive shared with some of them my darkest and most twisted thoughts, after years of apprehension. 

I was so afraid to show myself in fear that my truth was too hideous to be accepted .

Multiple pairs of ears that listened without convention. 

Putting me at ease and releasing me from my fear of rejection. 

Because after some introspection.

You realize those who matter, don't mind, and those who mind don't matter.

As the saying goes that we hear all the time.

The first ones to show me that unconditional love isn't just a concept, you made it exist.

You often believe in me more than I believe in myself.

 all of the times when I was down bad on myself.

Holding a mirror to me to contradict all the things that I felt.

Uplifting me always and holding me to high standards.

But true enough to give me criticism without slander.

Purely love. 

I pray for all your souls on a daily basis.

All your loving faces.

Singing all your graces.

Thank you for helping morph me into this person I see today.

Only more room to carve as I'm made of clay and continue to change day by day.

Theres nothing that I can really say to convey the mass affect of all your love. 

May we be together.

Always and Forever.

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