Day 0. (The start of it all)

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Blaza POV:

I was sitting on the plane as I heard the intercom. "Hello, we are getting close to landing please everyone put back on their seatbelts, and put all carry on baggage under the seat, or back above you. I looked at my phone to see the time, 3:23 pm. Finally after that long 7 hour flight it's time to land.

After a bit the plane landed and I got off, I went through security and got my luggage as I went down the escalator and there was socks with nadwe, laff, and tbh.

Socks POV:

I was just chatting with nadwe laff and tbh before looking up and seeing Blaza. "HEY BLAZA OVER HERE!" I shouted waving over to Blaza. Blaza seemed to notice and he walked over to us. "Hey guys!" Blaza said his voice sounding full of joy, "Blaza your finally here mate!" Laff said looking over at Blaza. "Yeah man, you took longer than expected!" Tbh said aswell.

Nadwe POV:

After my flight I was very jet lagged and tired. I wasn't talking much. "So nadwe are you going to say hi?" Socks said as I zoned back into reality. "Oh hi Blaza... sorry I'm just tired from the flight." I said yawning after. "Yeah I understand, I'm tired aswell" Blaza said looking tired.

I sat down as the group continued talking I chimed in time to time, just trying my best to stay awake. We were still waiting for about 5 ish people to arrive I can't remember that well. I'm just too tired.

Jooices POV:

My flight just landed as I got my luggage and went down the escalator, there they were. My friends, I've been so excited to come move in with them, and now I'm here. I walked over to them, they were all talking as I joined the conversation. "Hey guys!" I said walking over to them. "Hey Jooice! Glad to see you finally arrived!" Socks said welcoming me. I smiled as I went to sit down, I sat down beside nadwe and continued chatting with the group.

It seemed nadwe had fallen asleep. He was just sitting there head back. I got back letting him have his space to sleep and went back to the group and continued talking.

Oompa POV:

I was still on my plane, it was taking a while. I may or may not have quickly turned off airplane mode to message socks I may be a while. But I turned it off. It was 4:00 pm I'm not going to be there for another hour... great just great.

Muffins pov:

I was just vibing and chilling on the plane when it came time to land, now I don't even know why I agreed to come here. It all sounded like a bad idea, but they managed to convince me to come move in with them. After I hopped off I was met with someone I knew. "MUFFIN!? HOW WERE WE ON THE SAME FLIGHT!?" Said oompa. "I have no clue, but my flight stopped somewhere else to pick up more people. I assume one of them was you?" I said. "Yup I guess that was true." Oompa said. We both got our luggage and went down the escalator, and to our surprise we were the last ones there.

"FINALLY YOU GUYS ARRIVED! NOW WE CAN LEAVE!" Socks shouted as he grabbed some people's luggage. I looked over to see the sleeping nadwe as I went to wake him up.

Nadwe POV:

I felt that I was shaken as I woke up, I looked up to see muffin. "Come on nadwe we gotta go!" Muffin said as I got up and grabbed my stuff. "Thanks for waking me up man." I said as muffin looked over at me. "It's no problem man, and hey we wouldn't just leave you here." Muffin

Laff pov:

I followed everyone outside to a van, socks rented it so we all could fit. after that we were down the road and going through the highway. The car slowed down as i looked up. "Huh roads are slow I wonder what's keeping them up?" Socks said looking upfront to see a barricade. "Huh a barricade? Why would there be a barricade." Socks said looking for a way out. A bunch of gunshots and screams were approaching. "SOCKS YOU MAY WNAT TO GET US OUT OF HERE!" I shouted looking at the barricade being bust open and the cops being tackled. "IM TRYING!" Socks went to back up and crashed into another car. The crowd of people started running towards us. "GUYS JUST GET OUT AND RUN!" Someone said as we all got out and ran.

No one POV:

Everyone started running and a lot of people joined, there was no more gunshots just screams, nadwe looked behind to see the blood faced monsters biting and eating everyone as they got closer. The group ran but unfortunately Dino and tbh both got grabbed and dragged down. "NOOOO GUYS!" Woolf shouted. "COME ONE Woolf WE GOTTA GO!" Meme shouted as the group was forced to leave Dino and tbh.

They rest of the gang got away and ran into an alleyway, and hid until all the zombies went by. "Come on guys I think I know a way to some shelter." Socks said before walking slowly towards the forest. Everyone followed as the entered a campsite that was abandoned and nobody was nearby.

Jooice POV:

I can't believe what the fuck just happened! We're those zombies!? Well whatever they were they ate tbh and wolf. I looked over at the group and they all seemed shaken up. "W-w-what the fuck just happened..." Blaza said looking down at the ground.
"I don't know what happened, but they killed tbh and wolf!" I shouted still in disbelief. Socks looked up, "those were zombies and we are gonna have to be smart or we may end up like them. Now we should all get some rest, I'll set up some walls." Socks said. Everyone looked around and got up and went to tents.

Nadwe POV:

I couldn't fall asleep, I just laid there. After all that just went down I was too scared to fall asleep and I just couldn't stop thinking about what happened. I got out of my tent to see socks talking with meme and I decided to walk over to them. "Hey guys...." I said still shaken up about what happened. "Hey nadwe. Why aren't you asleep?" Meme asked looking at me. " I just couldn't fall asleep with all that happened." I said looking over at socks. "Meme eventually we are gonna have to find weapons and a way out." Socks said just busy thinking. "I mean we will have too." Meme said again.

After a bit socks and meme went back to their tents I just stayed out there thinking on what happened. I decided to go back to my tent and lay down, after a bit I felt tired and more tired. I let the darkness over take me as I fell asleep.

(A/n LETS GOOO 1177 words noice, also I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and I hope you are ready for more of this book, and my other book.

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