Day 12

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Jooice POV:

I slowly walked through the city, I was with meme, and socks but we got split up so I'm on my own now and looking for shelter as it's getting late and I'm lost in the middle of the city. I looked around seeing a decently tall building with a flat roof with the emergency escape down. I didn't have time to think as I heard a growl behind me. I ran and climbed the emergency escape as fast as I could. I pulled up the ladder seeing the zombie down there staring up at me. I looked away and climbed up the emergency escape.

As I walked up the emergency escape thinking about where my friends where I heard chatting and sounds of a fire. "Is that my friends?" I thought as I slowly walked up more and more. I slightly peaked my head up seeing 3 people there. "Well you heard the radio we will have to leave soon." One of the strangers said as I stood there barely looking over and listening. "But this is our home we can't really leave-" there was silence as they all looked my way and I think they saw me as I ran down fast.

I heard footsteps on the metal behind me, but I didn't care I continued running as I reached the bottom and jumped, but landed on my leg as I heard a snap. I winced in pain as I tried to get up but fell back down. I held in the scream as I saw a zombie walking towards me. I saw my life flash before my eyes before a person grabbed me and pulled me back up onto the emergency exit with someone else pulling up the ladder.

I was carried up to the top of the roof by the people. "You shouldn't jump off buildings like that, easy way to get yourself killed." One of the 3 said I looked up to see 2 guys and 1 girl. "Y-yeah... I'm sorry for barging in on you guys." I said trying to get up again but falling over yelping a bit in pain. "Hey hey, don't get up your leg is probably broken, and if you put pressure on it, it will get worse." The rather short male said. "Well take care of ya until your healed." Another one said. "B-but I need to get back to my friends!" I said as they all looked at eachother talked and then looked back at me. "You will get to see you friends, after you are healed." I just sat there, but I have to stay here there would be no way I would survive out there right now on my own. "Fine I'll stay. But what are your names anyways?" They looked at me as the girl spoke first. "My name is Amelia and it's nice to meet you" she said before the short male spoke. "My name is Eddie!" Then the last one said his name. "And my name is Joel. Yours?" "Jooice, my name is Jooice" I said before we all started talking.

Socks POV:

I slowly walked around a neighborhood looking for meme and Jooice as I heard a voice. "L-listen I don't want any trouble" I heard meme say before slowly walking towards the voices seeing meme talking to a group of 3 them pointing their guns at him. I walked up behind them giving meme a slow nod as I pulled out my baseball bat and hit one on the head taking their gun and aiming it to their head. "HEY! back off! Or else I will shoot!" I said as the two looked towards me. I looked at meme and signalled him to run behind me which he did. "Grab his side arm meme" I said to him which he did and i held the rifle closer to the guys head. "Slowly back away and we won't shoot!" Meme said now aiming the gun at the 2. They slowly backed away as we let go of the guy.

They immediately opened fire as soon as the guy took cover. "MEME RUN AND FOLLOW ME!" I said as we ran through alleyways and streets for a good half hour before turning around to check they weren't behind us. Which they weren't as I took a breather after running that much. "Well meme we are alive and they are gone." I said looking up at him. "Yeah.. we are alive, but we should continue going, Jooice probably found his way back by now." Meme said as we continued running back to the base.

Third person POV

The 2 made it back as they climbed up the wall relived to have made it back alive but in the distance standing were the 3 people from before loading their weapons and looking right at the base.

(A/N new chapter is out! I'm sorry for not updating I'm going to try my best to update this story more often and sorry for the cliffhanger and see ya next time.(?

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